Thursday, June 02, 2005


Part of a post to a forum I inhabit ...
... something I feel strongly about - can you tell ?

May I suggest there be a requirement that in order to post a message within [this forum] that the author must somewhere provide his or her name ?

I have in the past, and do, and will continue to fight for anyone's right to express their feelings, thoughts, opinions ...
Responsibly of course. No bomb throwing or yelling fire in crowded rooms ... but what I do not agree with is the business of allowing people to essentially post "anonymously" ...

That is, if a member registers only a username, in my view it may be said that person is not actually hiding, but clearly neither is that person willing to reveal identity, which always leaves me wondering: "Why?"

I am in the business of building relationships online, so anytime I see someone unwilling to allow access to simple details like NAME ...
I read, "Leave me alone." Hard to build relationships with people who want to be left alone ...
... which makes me wonder why such a person would register in a forum ... but what do I know Smile

If a person adds some contact details, they have credibility:
"A real person who lives on this planet ..."

I do not post here often, but when I do, I take care in what I say to thousands of members who may read what I say, and because I plan to get up tomorrow and walk among you, what I say must stand up to your tests of honesty and good sense; consequently, I have no problem ever signing my name to what I contribute here.

It is anyone's privilege to register with username only, but if that is the case, then when it comes time to cast a vote, speak, etc. ...
There is no way to properly register a vote cast by "anonymous" ...

Therefore, unless there is an actual real name attached, I am not sure we can put the same weight on comments by "anonymous" ...
... as we might from, say, James M Booth or Josephine Smith


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