Friday, March 18, 2005


1. Has It Occurred To You ... ?
2. Did You Say "Plan" ... ?
3. "Avoid Getting Ripped Off"
4. Taking the "Easy Road"
5. Security
6. Why IT ?
7. Dispelling Confusion

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1. Has It Occurred To You ... ?

I have said a number of times that there is not anything else like what we are
doing on the Internet right now ...

Is there ? I hope you will tell me if you find something that is truly like what we are doing. Please do, right away !

There are groups TRYING to do something LIKE what we are doing ... but not quite. For instance: A group under the banner "igiveawaymoney" says you can build your business by giving away $20 one time ... which "buys" you four members in your frontline. Great ! ... but where does the $20 come from ?

Answer: The $20 comes out of YOUR pocket.

As noble a project as theirs may be, it still comes down to the "same old thing" if you have to pay YOUR OWN $$$ to establish others in your downline - it is one step ahead of the usual "purchase your own position" and it does have its benefits ... but it still requires money from your pocket.

If you have not yet put it together, what WE are doing is unique in that the money you spend to benefactor your frontline 3 comes from earnings you are already making.

In other words: Your cost in our group is ZERO dollars. Now you get it !


Since I wrote the above paragraph last Saturday, International Traders has announced going corporate. There IS now one project in this world that more than equals what we are doing with growcash. I will be sharing more details with you about global humanitarian efforts IT is proposing which WILL benefactor people in need around the globe to take them out of debt in a very structured plan which includes counselling to help keep them out of debt. Some of you may want to get involved with IT OFFLINE and there is much waiting for you to do if you are interested in helping out. Now, you are probably thinking the usual - that you would be "helping out" by contributing your money ... since that is the usual way. Not in this case ! You would be helping out by being an EMPLOYEE of IT ... which could mean expense-paid travel and other compensation paid to you !

Right now I have no reason to think that I will not become an IT employee.

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2. Did You Say "Plan" ... ?

Not only does it cost you nothing to get started with growcash ...

The group I mentioned in the last section ("igiveawaymoney") typifies "business as usual" ... at least as I read their site, in that once you have benefactored members into that group, after which you "hope" they will do the same ... it all comes back round to you are all going to have to pay more from your own pockets to then enter whatever is their money-making opportunity - Oops !

You see, there is another difference. Not only does growcash give you income from which to benefactor your frontline - it also provides you income not only to enter and maintain your position in our other opportunities, but also to branch out into anything else you want to do. For all of that, you still pay nothing from your own pocket.

Are you understanding yet the power of what you now have to offer to others !

Hope you are busy growing your contact list ! You sure are going to need it !

Waiting for Doris ... is the only one first line who is not yet funded in IT.
Soon as she has time to read her e-mail and get signed up, I will make the spends !

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3. "Avoid Getting Ripped Off"

Are you still accepting Cashier's Checks ? Time to stop.

Photocopier technology is now so good that anyone can create what can appear to you as a legitimate Cashier's Check - so good, in fact, that bank tellers cannot even decide whether the check is good.

Bogus Cashier Checks - Cashier Check Fraud - has now become so widespread that banks are going to have to take some action ...

... but in the meantime, you are going to have to refuse to accept Cashier's Checks from anyone you do not know

Avoid getting ripped off at:

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4. Taking the "Easy Road"

Sooner or later, someone in our group is going to take the easy way ... asking someone to sign up rather than benefactoring them into STI or IT

If the person you want to benefactor into STI has visited the STI site, visited someone else's STI site sometime in the last 90 days, chances are better than good you will not see that person in your STI downline if you put signup responsibility on them. The cookie set from the other member's site will override your referral ID.

That said, you would be defeating yourself in other ways. Cost to benefactor someone into STI is TINY - $3.10 one time ... and we are providing that money to you. Still, you must use it wisely. The purpose of benefactoring someone in the first place is to turn the tables - responsibility is on you to give a gift which helps cement your new relationship. Assigning your benefactee responsibility to sign up does NOT extend our philosophy; instead it sets up a psychology within your newly forming relationship that will be an obstacle for you later.

You will receive no benefit from someone signing up to the wrong STI sponsor. Attempting to correct such a problem after the fact will be a frustration to you and an irritation to your benefactee - stunting the growth of your new relationship. Do not make such a mistake. Make sure you sign them up, paying for the position from your own IntGold account. Be sure to check the appropriate box so the site software will automatically send your new member a welcome e-mail.

If you are really short on time, there is a shortcut you can take - contact me and I will help you get it done. DO NOT just send someone $3 and tell them to sign up.

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5. Security

If you are using firefox with metropipe tunneler then you still may not be safe until you read and implement these security measures. This exact threat attacked many people on another popular forum (2% or 1.9% daily) If yoy recognize those percents then you know which forum. Here is what you need to do to be safe from threats like that. Add these security measures on top of using metropipe tunneler. Firefox is safer than IE. One reason is that it accepts activex controls under no circumstances.


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6. Why IT ?

Forex Trading is conducted globally every business day. Trillions of dollars are traded in a legally recognized marketplace around the world. The fact that U.S. Banks - including YOUR bank - are trading in this same marketplace is something which I personally believe is criminal. Your bank is paying you maybe one and a half percent on any savings you might have - that is, 1 1/2 % per year ! ... and I maintain your bank could probably be paying you 1 1/2 % per DAY on your savings and still be making a profit ! THAT is the part I believe is criminal. You are being ripped off by your bank !

By joining with IT, we are allowing our dollars to be traded to return a profit ... and IT is making a greater profit than what is returned to us, but remember that IT is also returning increased value to us REGARDLESS of any loss IT experiences in any trades. Yes, they COULD pay out more than they will, but they could also ask you to absorb any loss, which they will not do.

Yes, there probably will be some attempt to interfere by some "do-good" government agency trying to "protect" us - protect us from ourselves ? Well, IT is not some half-baked idea, my friends. What you are entering is a long-accepted, globally recognized trading system that will not stop. The planning which allows us to share in this wealth which has been previously available only to the rich and corporate continues to be carefully laid - a process which has been ongoing by IT principals for many months.

Having said that, I must repeat what I have said earlier. We are creating multiple income streams - not depending on any one source to grow our financial future. It is not wise policy to think that any one entity is the "end-all" for our personal security. It is up to us to guarantee our own success. Also, there is only one among you who I support in reinvesting 100% of IT returns to grow more. The reason I support her reinvesting 100% right now is because she is in great need of replacing her mother's house before the next hurricane season. For the rest of you, I encourage you to take a somewhat slower approach - closer to 50% of your IT profits reinvested.

If you want to take a more aggressive attitude, that is fine, but remember that you need to plan for your benefactoring expenses as you go.

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7. Dispelling Confusion

When your new contacts and referrals sign up to growcash board at:
... first thing they do is choose a username, same as you did.

Next, they will receive a welcome e-mail with a site generated password. After receiving that e-mail, next they will log in and set a new password of their own choosing, then fill out their profile.

Lately there has been a tiny confusion. You are all welcome to use a distinct username - I applaud it. If you look again at the profile page ( go there now please ) you will see that the username you chose when you registered for growcash is not changeable. There is a line between password and e-mail address in which you should put your REAL NAME ( first and last ) - that is different from your username. If your real name is Joy Sonnet and you want to use joysonnet as username - fine ... but on the line which says "Name:" you should enter Joy Sonnet just as you would sign a check or apply for employment.

In growcash "Welcome and Introduction" is stated:
"To fully qualify, you must:
1. Register - include your city, state, country
2. Include First and Last Name in profile
3. Complete all numbered boards below"

We have a couple members already benefactored to 7DP who are still not qualified because they have not entered their first and last name in profile. In fact, I have just realized how lax I have been on this point - only two of us are properly registered in forum ! When you have done this right, your real name will appear in left column of Members page. Again, I know you are concerned about privacy, but since your address and phone, etc. are not found anywhere in forum, no one will come knocking at your door ! Please correct this asap if your information is not complete. Thanks !

... and make sure your referrals are up on this information when they register ?


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