Wednesday, March 09, 2005


1. Communication
2. Can You Believe It ?
3. Plugging the Leak
4. Freeing the Genie
5. Security
6. STI (Success Team International )
7. Apology and Reminder

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1. Communication

I sincerely hope you are ready to begin receiving money. Since last week's update, it appears we have a communication problem - some of us. I am extending benefit of doubt - partly because there is obviously a problem with for some of you ... and whether the problem is with sendfree itself, or with your ISP, or ... ?
Bottom line is some of you cannot access the message from sendfree.

It was set up so everyone has to opt in twice - that is, at bottom of the first message from is a link to the actual series which you access the same way - by sending a blank e-mail (no subject) to:

So, when I return from Portland, by Saturday morning I just know I will see a lot more names in the list at GetResponse, because ALL of you will have subscribed to that message. If you do not do it, then why am I sending you e-mails at all ? You have expressed an interest or desire to earn income. I have spent and continue to spend almost all of my time to do something I cannot say I have seen ANYONE ELSE do on the Internet ...

That is: Create a way for you to earn without paying anything at all.

It has begun.

If you do not understand that you are already at the top of something others have SAID they would do, but have never to my knowledge yet been able to follow through ... then it is time for you to read these messages more carefully. I set up a fund for myself to back up what I am doing now:

Setting up a fund for each of my frontline.

In other words, what I spent will be returned to me more than once. You do not have to spend anything of your own - just from what you receive.

Each of my frontline will fund IT for their frontline - from their profits - and so on ... and on, and on ... and in one of those levels - YOU.

Yes, you will be receiving a gift from your sponsor which you will not be asked to repay. Instead, you are asked only to responsibly manage and grow your own fund, use some of the profits from that fund to open a fund for your frontline three ( and later for anyone else you choose ), and to follow our simple step-by-step instructions as you receive them.

The ONLY way you will NOT profit from this is if for some reason you are not reading these messages - in which case you will not know what is expected of you ...
... or what is happening that you are missing out on.

Therefore, right now, before you do anything else, if you want to receive income, send a blank e-mail (no subject) to:

If, for some reason, that does not work for you, then tell me - just reply to this message or send me an e-mail at
... or IM me at Imvite ( I am 'growcash' ) or msn messenger ( I am 'jamonbo' ) or yahoo! messenger ( I am 'jamonbo' )

If you do not let me know you have a problem, there is nothing I can do to help you solve your problem. Talk to me.

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2. Can You Believe It ?

Last summer (2004) there was a period when I could hardly visit a website without a pop-up window appearing advertising a so-called "millionaire guru" e-book. That campaign centered on an e-book that would supposedly teach you or show you how to get a million hits to your website. The author's name I will not spell out, but his initials S D will give him away to some of you. Alexa rankings at the time showed his website ridiculously low - not only in regard to the claims made in the e-book, but also considering the number of affiliates advertising his book at the time ...

The e-book, priced at $97, was presented with refund guarantee, but refunds were not honoured ... nor was there any real customer service / support to be found.

I mention this episode to you only as a blatant example of Backwards Marketing.

What was GUARANTEED in this affair:
- A man who may or may not have been a millionaire (who cares?) would have had to sell around 11,000 e-books to make a million after expenses
- His credibility suffered during the campaign because his Alexa rankings could not back up claims made in the e-book = less sales
- The price $97 excluded a large part of market, which means his affiliates would have an extremely tough sell to make any profit
- His "good name" is now damaged by loss of credibility and by negative "word-of-mouth"
- Many who did not buy into the campaign were put off from doing business with S D for the nuisance of finding his pop-up at every turn of the page

Do you think it worthwhile to run one campaign which may bring you some dollars, but which closes the door to future income making potential ?

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3. Plugging the Leak

The way our plan was set up previously, I was concerned that once you have benefactored your 3 into 7DP, if any one of them decides to sit still and not help you, then either you are stuck paying for the position again, or it will be lost to non-payment ... and that situation is not good for any of us.

With Sir Franklyn's urging, I thought about the benefits of International Traders, and then I thought some more. Starting with IT, it will take almost 2 months to generate income you can put to practical use ... but, would you rather pay from your pocket ? That is what we want to avoid, right ?

So here is the deal, put simply ( can I do that ? ) ... : )

I am an IT Trader. Next my frontline will follow instructions ( you will receive them today or Saturday ) to open your own IT account if you do not have one. Jeff may already have IT, but has not responded to my last e-mail or I have not found his response ... anyway, once you have set up your own IT account, then I will send you the next step ( I will either send you $$ to invest in Portal 1 or if you really need me to, I will do it for you ... but you need to learn how to do it yourself ).

You will be doing the exact same thing for your frontline. You will receive instructions regarding that too, and more. Point is, IT will generate the $$ you will use to then benefactor your 3 into 7DP. Once benefactored, since your 3 will ALSO have an income growing for them in IT, it will then be THEIR primary responsibility to make sure their position is paid for the second month IF they do not yet have their 3. You will be helping them to get their 3, and so will I ... but realize it could happen. In the rare case one of your 3 falls ill or their computer dies ... just in case, it will be your responsibility to make sure that position gets paid for if the 3 are not yet found ... and you will want to let me know if that is the case.

Once set, we do NOT want any 7DP position to be lost - there is simply no reason for that to happen.

Now, I want you to understand that what you will be doing with STI is a separate issue from ALL of what I just said.

I will talk about how we will proceed with STI in another section below. Make sure you read the sections between : )

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4. Freeing the Genie

Is there something you want in your life ... ? Something you want to happen in your life ? Something you cannot quite make happen for some reason ... ?

In 1993 I wanted a change. I went back to school, but more important - I formed an image of what I wanted in my mind. I wanted to work in a certain part of town, for a company not too large, but established, and there was a certain function I wanted to perform for that company. I had no idea how I would find what I wanted ...

... but in while "sharpening" that image in my mind, I was getting A grades in my accounting classes. One day, about halfway through an interview with my Accounting Instructor, the phone rang - an interruption ... but the call was from one of his former students. She was calling at request of her boss, who was looking for someone to take over Accounts Receivable ... for a 50-year-old X-Ray Supply company with less than two dozen employees that was located in the exact part of town I wanted.

I was hired in the initial interview.

If there is something you want, form an image of it in your mind today, and every day from now on work to bring that image into clear focus. Sharpen that image until it becomes your reality.

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5. Security

If you are using firefox with metropipe tunneler then you still may not be safe until you read and implement these security measures. This exact threat attacked many people on another popular forum (2% or 1.9% daily) If you recognize those percents then you know which forum. Here is what you need to do to be safe from threats like that. Add these security measures on top of using metropipe tunneler. Firefox is safer than IE. One reason is that it accepts activex controls under no circumstances.


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6. STI (Success Team International )

I have begun adding to your STI positions. Each of you receiving this message will receive one new STI position each month for the next three months. You will begin to see others in your STI downline.

As I said earlier, what will be happening for you in STI is completely separate from IT and 7 Dollar Plan. STI is a separate income stream that will be growing for you.

By "supercharging" STI in this way, soon you will receive a $10 payment from STI. I want you to use that $10 to add three postions ( you choose who ) to your STI line. Soon you will be receiving other payments from STI. By following my lead and reinvesting your first 3 $10 payments received from STI, you will find a respectable income growing for you as you receive more new positions which will also cycle and pay you ... because as you add those 3 positions in STI each month, what is generated to your upline will come back down the line to grow more for you ... !

At the same time, your downline will catch the same spirit and they will be adding to your downline. Are you ready for this ? I hope so.

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7. Apology and Reminder

I said this would be a short update. Sorry - I was wrong.

After midnight tonight I will be offline until 6 pm PST Friday.

Pearl has gmail invitations she is willing to share. Just ask me for one or contact "happy" in the member list.


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