Friday, February 18, 2005


1. Why you are receiving this message
2. Brief Update
3. is closing / closed
4. Important Tools
5. Not your usual marketing methods
6. Your response is needed asap

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1. Why you are receiving this message

You are a working member of growcash. There are a number of others currently signed up to growcash who have not completed qualification to receive membership in 7 Dollar Plan ... not sure whether they will, or why they are hesitating. More on that later. Since you are receiving this message, you are considered an active member and so deserve to be updated on what is happening. I have added your name and e-mail address to my idonate address book, assuming permission to do so because of your active status with growcash and to facilitate communicating with you.

My apologies to Sonia for our conversating being cut short yesterday. IM closed and I was unable to get back to you in time.

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2. Brief Update

The evening of January 17, my main system would not reboot. As I attempted to hook up backup system, I violated one of my cardinal rules, connecting the printer cable while the power cord was already connected. Not sure what that did, but that system would not come up either ... as result, after considering my options, I decided to have a new system built. This new system is a learning process for using features much different than either of my former computers. I am now Mozilla based instead of Internet Explorer. It is a strong and reliable system, but it needs more RAM ... and for now I am still connected through dialup, so some tasks are slow. I have been back online now for a week, rebuilding files more relevant to our mission, and working off the backlog of mail - something I attempted at the library while I was offline, but allowed only an hour a day was not able to do nearly enough.

Sending you an update is a challenge by itself. Sometimes things seem to change from hour to hour, which makes a message obsolete before it is sent ... however, as part of my new schedule, I will include sending you an update either Thursday or Friday of each week from now on, since some of you only have time on weekends to read.

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3. is closing / closed

I had a good conversation with Fred Riley is South Africa. He is a quality individual, studying and preparing to be a pastor. Fred's message today follows:

"Dear Team

Its with great reluctance that I would like to announce that
thirtynine is closed with immediate affect.

This is due to a number of factors however the main one being
that SPAM complaints have been logged against us.

the site will still be open for a few ours so that you may retrieve
any referrals you may have.

For those of you in 7-bucks, James Booth will be taking the top / lead
position, he is a man with a great vision for 7-buckss and i am sure he will
contribute greatly to the downline growth.

I would like to wish you all success and prosperity for the future.

God bless
Fred "

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4. Important Tools

Some of you will have received an invitation to sign up for a gmail account this morning. Please use the invitation. gmail will give you a secure - and free - e-mail account that will be important to you. I only had six invitations to send out, so if you did not receive one, I am sorry about that. If you do not have gmail or did not receive an invitation this morning, be sure to let me know that you want one, and when I have more invitations, I will send them to you in the order of your replies.

My gmail address is:

Also, I invite you - urge you - to sign up with Imvite at:

I have used msn primarily for Instant Messaging because of availability. I like yahoo's IM, but it used too many resources on my system. For the same reason, I have not much used my ICQ account for over a year ... but, Imvite combines all those. Imvite is not a resource hog. Imvite allows you to enter your signin details for msn and yahoo and ICQ/AOL ... so you will receive message through any and all of those services ( if you are signed up with them ) through Imvite.

I will usually be logged in to Imvite now, so you are invited to ring me any time with any questions or problems you may have. I will take time out for you ... but first you have to sign up at:

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5. Not your usual marketing methods

In coming days, I will be describing to you a quite different approach to growing your downline in any program you are with. Our focus is on 7 Dollar Plan, but you can adapt the information in any other business or program. Men will want to pay attention ... because women are going to take the approach I will be telling you about and leave you in the dust !

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6. Your response is needed asap

Please respond to this message by replying to with the following:

- Your gmail address if you have one
- Your Imvite referral URL which includes your Imvite username
- If you have referred someone to growcash, include their name or growc ash username so I can update my record.

Your cooperating here will be a big help - Thanks !

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My apologies for anything not included here. Until next time ...


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