Saturday, March 05, 2005


1. It's Ready !
2. Another truly stellar week
3. IntGold Verification
4. Autosurf Upgrade "Caps"
5. Mozilla Counterbalance
6. Getting Our System Rolling
7. About Next Week's Update

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1. It's Ready !

You may access the autoresponder series by clicking this link: or send blank e-mail (no subject) to:

Any comments, any complaints ... anything at all you have to say or want to correct or feel should be changed or improved - let me know right away please.

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2. Another truly stellar week

Wednesday I drove to Bend to purchase membership at Costco and check a few prices, planning ahead ... picked up some cleaning supplies and a new surge protector, then pushed the cart out to the car, where I discovered ... NO KEYS ! First time in over ten years I have lost my keys. No spare set with me, 15 miles from home and no one to call ... except a taxi. 40 minutes later a Redmond Taxi arrived. The driver kindly offered to drive me back to Bend at no extra charge, but once home, I could not find a spare set of keys. $40 included $5 tip for the driver ...

Thursday, Phillis was home, so I did not offer neighbor $20 to drive me to Bend. The key Phillis thought was for the car turned out not to be, so that trip was for nothing. We stopped by to get a set from Mom ...

Friday morning I retrieved the car, but did not buy the printer I want. Discovered that if I wait until March 21 I can save $85 buying it with a coupon. That is 12 7DP positions I can buy instead ... ya think a good idea to wait ? Actually, it is an HP Officejet 7310xi All-in-one if you are interested. Need a new printer/scanner/fax ? It will be $275 on the 21st ...

Yesterday I finally delivered groceries Mom wanted. She was so groggy she could not talk straight. I thought because of pain medication after minor surgery on one of her toes yesterday morning ... thought to ask the duty nurse how Mom was doing really, but decided since it was lunchtime for all and Phillis would be there to visit within two hours, I would wait. When Phillis came home, I found out Mom did not have her surgery. Instead, she had a "blackout" episode during the night. No one called either of us - not from Hospice or from the home ... major communication error !

That concludes my excuse for being a day late with this week's update ...

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3. IntGold Verification

While Phillis was visiting with Mom yesterday afternoon, I was back in Bend at the nearest Kinko's printing my IntGold affidavit and making copies of documents. If you want to study office automation, spend some time at Kinko's ! Not a bad place to work if you have computer skills and like customer service.

The IntGold verification process MUST be completed NOT ONLY to withdraw from your account, but also to make ANY spends from your IntGold account ... as I found out when I more carefully reread the notice. You do get one (1) point for verifying your e-mail address, but that allows you to spend $0.00

You are allowed to spend up to:

- $250 per month with 2-6 points
- $2500 per month with 7-9 points
- $5000 per month with 10 points
- Unlimited with 11 or more points

To get points:
- 1 point for e-mail verification
- 1 point for mailing or faxing the signed affidavit
- 2 points for mailing or faxing a copy of a utility or bank statement
- 3 points for mailing or faxing a copy of home or cell phone bill
- 3 points for mailing or faxing a copy of driver's license
- 5 points for mailing or faxing copy of Social Security card or documents of
incorporation including EIN

Name and address on all documents MUST match name and address on IntGold account.

Most of you will do fine with at least two points - which you can achieve by verifying your e-mail address and sending in the signed affidavit.

If you are going to do that much though, it is just as easy to include some of the other documents at the same time. 7 points should be easily achievable IMO ... and that will allow you to transfer out of your account up to $2500.00 per month - plenty more than any of us needs right now.

Thanks to Homeland Security ... the bright side is that scamsters and lurkers will not be part of our activities. The down side is that we will lose a few folks who are overly concerned about privacy on the Internet. Now I have to work through the IntGold accounts I set up for others and help them all get verified ... : ) That is what I will be doing the next few days.

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4. Autosurf Upgrade "Caps"

For those of you working "the plan" ...
In the last two weeks since I have been back online, CasHitz and SurfWize have moved to new dedicated servers and are running much better.

However, I have run into something different. Both those services, and also AutoSurf4Profit have turned off the internal upgrade function. I cannot upgrade past $90 at CasHitz, past $40 at SurfWize, and I am stopped at $80 at AS4P ... but wait a minute. Those are not the caps !

What I also learned is that they turned off the upgrade from earnings function "by mutual agreement" ... which means that whatever your earnings on the day they turned the switch is your limit right now. In other words, $90 is not a cap for CasHitz. If you were at $50 then you cannot reach $60 level unless you make a payment to CH.

The rub to me is that such an action is nowhere mentioned in TOS for any of the sites. It is the sort of action a webmaster can legally take under those "catchall phrases" ... "to ensure the longevity of the service" and so on. The next test will be when my earnings reach payout level - whether I will actually get paid. There is a slight difference of opinion among the webmasters. Some are pointing out that those of us who have stayed with the services through downtime and change of servers, slow running and other problems, have continued to promote the sites and add new members, for which we are due to be paid for our efforts. There is a different opinion also ... so I will let you know who pays and who does not. I will reach payout at AS4P within the week ... a little over a month to reach payout at CasHitz.

One more tidbit while I am on the subject: Another careful read of CasHitz and SurfWize TOS leaves me wondering. Paul has stated clearly that CasHitz is a real and solid business backed by advertising, so funding for payouts is real - not based on a pyramid scheme like CasHits was [ notice the difference in spelling those of you not familiar with the difference between CasHitZ and CasHitS ] ... yet wording of TOS is somewhat vague and too similar to CasHits TOS in which monies for payouts are at least to a degree dependent on member upgrades. Anyone working "the plan" should be very careful about investing any money out-of-pocket please.

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5. Mozilla Counterbalance

My new system is running Mozilla. I finally registered Windows yesterday, but still have not opened Outlook Express ... content to keep mail web-based for now. In two weeks running, I have already sent six error reports, including one device driver error. Mozilla is not trouble free, but is it FireFox, or ... ?

Reports indicate only 6% of Internet users are running Mozilla as an alternative to Internet Explorer. The advantage for the "few of us" is that hackers do not seem to feel their time is well spent targeting such a small percentage of users. Whether Mozilla is free of IE vulnerabilities, I cannot really say ... but I can report that too many websites are not Mozilla compatible. I am not sure whether it is lack of RAM or compatibility issues which generate so many errors, including pages timed out or domains "not found" ... will know better soon as I step up to 512 KB RAM next week.

Microsoft will soon offer something to compete since Mozilla is gaining popularity so rapidly now ... but I hear it will not be free. Surprised ? I have to tell you, if you want to use Mozilla, the way I am reading some of the "errors" ... and particularly the messages and "random pages" associated with reading hotmail - msn is attempting to do what it can to discourage use of FireFox and other Mozilla software

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6. Getting Our System Rolling

Soon as my IntGold is verified so I can spend, I will begin adding to your STI positions, giving you at least on new personal position each month for the next three months, plus adding others to your downline. My purpose is to generate some dollars from STI that you can then use to add 3 of your own each month to your downline matrix, which will generate more dollars for you ... so by all of us adding new positions to STI matrix through the next 3 months we are going to generate some income from your top spots ... and that will be repeated over and over as your later spots mature.

A more important element of our strategy as it is developing is International Traders, which I will be talking about with you one-on-one, so you can do the same with your personal referrals. I have communicated with the principals behind IT for over a year and what they have to offer is excellent. I think you will be pleased when you come to understand our new plan which will truly allow you to grow cash without ANY out-of-pocket. The fund I will set up for you will generate dollars that you can use to set up a fund in the exact same way for your frontline, and teach them how to do the same for their frontline. You will soon be receiving enough so that you will have your 7DP and STI expenses covered. Your income will be growing, and you will have paid nothing for it ... except the time and patience you have devoted waiting for me to spell it out.

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7. About Next Week's Update

Next Thursday and Friday I will be in Portland for minor surgery - more minor than last time ! For that reason I will send a short update on Wednesday.

In the meantime, one more reminder to make sure you have a good working e-mail address connected to your STI profile. Would be a shame if you did not know what is happening there ... and if you are still using it would be good of you to sign up at and enter referral as "oneworld" Soon as I have more gmail invitations, I will send you one - first request first served.


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