Friday, May 06, 2005


1. Am I Psychic ... ?
2. What Is On Your Agenda ?
3. Assisted Living
4. Harmony At Your House ?
5. Maturity Delays ...
6. Looking Ahead ...
7. You Hear What You Want To Hear

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1. Am I Psychic ... ?

By now you will have read and know about SmartCard. How did I know SmartCard was coming ? I did not. At the same time, IT principals have been talking for some time about setting up their own bank ... and it just makes sense, to me at least, that some sort of transaction card would at least be auxiliarry, if not central, to such a plan. Moreover, we have touched on difficulties with other processors ( IntGold, PayPal, e-Gold, etc. ) and that additional time is required for IT employees to make payouts, and more ... all of which beg for simplicity. As Doris has mentioned ( I will talk more about later ) we do have these computers to work with, and in reality, it is the machines which should be doing the work for us - not us spending all of our hours working the machines.

The "big announcement" for anyone who has not yet read it is at:

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That was the "big announcement" then - almost two weeks ago. Since then another which you may read ( should read ? must read ? ) at:
... dated 05.02.2005

Yesterday I received a P2 maturity that was due April 26. Means IT IntGold maturities for P2 are running 9 days behind ... not bad considering what all is going on, which I will say more about shortly.

There is no " IT4US forum " ... which may seem to one or more of you a bit of silliness - to which I must reply that you may be missing the point. What was a forum, what may appear to you to be a forum ... IS NO LONGER, NOR WILL BE. If you want a place to chat and commiserate there will be plenty of forums in which to do so, but I hope you will not go to any of those - counter productive IMO ... and if that does not ring with you, then we need to have a chat through Imvite please. The ZONE is being resurrected. The ZONE will replace I.T. Cafe, etc. The ZONE will be the place for you to go to learn and have any questions about IT answered ... any that I cannot answer, or if you need answer(s) more quickly ?

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I left this quote right here from last issue as, to me, it seems more appropriate this week than when I first included it. Maybe I will keep it here permanently : )
" A proactive person will place into motion the plan that they have by working it and doing it. There will be no procrastination and no laziness. Tomorrow is not allowed. No daydreaming allowed. You must work a plan without ceasing. "

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My Clubhouse stats for May 5, 2005
Your User Id Number is: 427
You have been an IT trader since: 2005-03-09
Your default language is set to: English
Total Portal 1's purchased: (5) - $25.00 Total Portal 1's matured: (5) - $50.00
Total Portal 2's purchased: (3) - $225.00 Total Portal 2's matured: (2) - $312.50
Total Portal 3's purchased: (1) - $200.00 Total Portal 3's matured: (0) - $0.00
Total Portal 4's purchased: (0) - $0.00 Total Portal 4's matured: (0) - $0.00
Total Portal 5's purchased: (0) - $0.00 Total Portal 5's matured: (0) - $0.00
Total Portal 6's purchased: (0) - $0.00 Total Portal 6's matured: (0) - $0.00
Total Portal 7's purchased: (1) - $27.00 Total Portal 7's matured: (0) - $0.00
Total Portal 8's purchased: (0) - $0.00 Total Portal 8's matured: (0) - $0.00

Total value of Portals Purchased: $477.00 Total value of Matured Portals: $362.50
Number of portals purchased today: (0 / 10) - $0
Number of Smart Card Portals today: (0 / 7) - $0.00
Number of matured portals today: (1) - $250.00
Number of SD's paid today: (0) - $0.00

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2. What Is On Your Agenda ?

Over the years I have had opportunity to talk with many men who were nearing "retirement" age. I put that word retirement in quotes because it is not so clear just what retirement means from one person to another. A word hard to find in my dictionary - one I use mostly for those who cannot quite figure just where I am these days relative to anything with which they are familiar.

Retired ? Me ? Guess again !

... but is easier for some to understand if I just say " Yes. " Some men talk mostly of the "honeydo" list they are about to receive. For those few who do not know, that is a list their wives will give them to "keep them busy" or to keep them "out of the way." " Honey, do this. " ... maybe with a please attached ? Now wait a minute. A "honeydo" list might represent a work of love - that a man feels his focus on career or job has caused him to neglect his wife and so he wants to spend his time "working for her" doing what she needs - or wants - done. Nothing wrong with that. I cannot speak here for women because I have not talked to many women as they were nearing retirement age, but I doubt many women "retire" to a list of things their husbands want done : ) Maybe you will tell me different ? I learn something new every day - a habit of mine you know ...

Sometimes a man would talk to me of his days ahead as though he had no more to look forward to than that "honeydo" list, for which I sometimes sensed a man in trouble. We develop habits early in life and do not often work to change what becomes so comfortable to us. Sitting in front a television, for instance ... something for which a woman would provide a "honeydo" list just to get a man moving ! Men who quit working and then just sit do not often live very long as I can see - especially if their work has been their main focus for many years prior. Those who survive have a plan - an agenda ready to fill their "free time" - and for them, "retirement" often becomes a whole new career ! Could be a man gives his time to coaching or mentoring. There is energy in staying active.

Even with some health issues, advances in medicine through the past few decades mean a person can now expect to live 20 to 30 years beyond so-called "retirement" - plenty of time to make a significant contribution to a cause or community of choice ... assuming one has a plan, that is. That plan actually helps extend one's life expectancy ! There will be more advances before some of you are ready to retire ...
... but while I am thinking of it, has anyone noticed we seem to be attracting more folks in their late 50s ?

A few of you are quite younger; a couple of you I am not sure your age : ) Those of you nearer my age likely know: Sooner or later, we cannot lift quite as much ... but we have knowledge how to more easily carry heavier loads ? Maybe we cannot hold it up or hold it in as long, run as fast or pound as hard, but we know how to more nicely and convincingly ask someone else to help ? We begin to rely more on our brain as the days go by, eh ? A common roadblock is age discrimination. Not so long ago, I did not believe age discrimination still existed, but then I found out for sure ... so there you are with perfectly good skills, but no one to hire you ? What to do ? Cannot take those skills with you ?

There is a good example in PB about an auto shop struggling to find or afford experienced mechanics. Meanwhile, a good mechanic is disabled and cannotwork. Solution ? The disabled but experienced mechanic is hired to train a new crew, who works for less pay while learning. The shop grows and thrives ( maybe even with a little funding from IT ? ) - everyone wins. What solutions do you have ?

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3. Assisted Living

I rented a Grand Caravan (Dodge) from Hertz for six days, moved everything out of my Dad's apartment and into an assisted living facility - had some help transporting larger furniture. I could have done a better job cleaning the apartment perhaps, but I did not leave much undone. Dad's birthday present this year ? Aside from what I mentioned already, I paid first month of his new living arrangement. Bought a new dresser for him too. A very busy week and when I got home I was ready for a break, so my apologies for not diving right in Saturday evening - it has taken me days to get "back in the saddle" and up to speed. Mail backlog is the hardest thing to face when I have to be gone several days ... but I have to say: It is springtime out there. I love to travel - especially this time of year when everything is green, so "reconfining" myself after last week is an effort ! Lots to contemplate for me from last weeks events too ...

Dad was nine years old when the Great Depression hit our country. He is nowliving in what is probably the best housing of his entire 85 years. Five of his good friends through the past 30 years are in the same facility just down the hall, around the corner - some of them wheelchair bound. Not Dad. He is learning - determined - to walk again, after breaking his hip January 30. He is happy to be out of VA hospital the first time in three months too ! He has a lot to do, and he has a lot of help - no housekeeping or laundry or cooking or dishwashing for him now. Anything he needs will be provided.

We considered Medicaid but decided against it because ... the state requires Dad to sign over all his income into a trust. Under that arrangement, when he passes on, anything in the trust goes to the state - helps balance out for those whose income is short, I understand that ... but no - not unless we really need Medicaid. No. IMO since Medicaid is not involved now, it leaves the door open for me to provide Dad additional income from IT - unrealistic if it would affect Medicaid benefits, but this way he can save some, invest some, play a little more. At some point in future, his medical care will need increased and expenses will go up, so the extra income will be put to use likely.

On the other hand, rather than jumping through hoops with IntGold for Dad, I think it best just to gift him for now. Reminder: Up to $11,000 per year can be transferred as a gift with no tax consequence.

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4. Harmony At Your House ?

As many of you know, I grew up in a Navy family. When we moved back west from NAS Jacksonville (Florida), shortly after that a Navy plane crashed in the back yard of housing close to where we had lived. Enlisted housing was just across the freeway from the end of the runway, so planes were constantly taking off and landing just over our heads while I was in first and second grades there.

Seems all my life when I leave some place, even temporarily, there are calamities while I am gone. Here, since I left for Hermiston, two houses have gone up for sale, one couple split up, and in the last four days, I have seen police visit three different neighbors in this block. Just makes me want to stay home so everyone is at peace, you know what I mean ?

The worst snowstorm to hit Oregon in the last 35 years began the morning I started driving to Arizona. The Columbus Day Storm hit while I was on vacation ... so another person might observe that it is my guardian angel making sure I am somewhere else when disaster strikes ... ? Of course my inquiring mind wants to know all the details when I find out that I missed something ...

As long as three years ago I was tired of people getting ripped off on the Internet - spending their own money to make money, spending more and still not profiting. Is true that you, or anyone, can now join International Traders and forget about MLM and affiliate marketing and all the inbred tedium that goes with them and more - "opportunities" in which you will likely only lose more than you will ever make, unless ... unless you are working to grow your contact list as I have spoken to you about. You only need 3

growcash introduces you to a way to earn from at least three different income streams, and all you have to do really is keep in touch with me once in every 30 days ( was 90 days previously but that proved to be too long - too much happens in people's lives in 90 days; we lose touch with some completely ). Not all of you are doing that one thing - keeping in touch. The opportunity just slips away when you do not keep in touch ...

... which leaves me asking some days: " What do you need me for anyway ? " Why, now you can just sign up with IT and have your money double every 30 days and live happily ever after. Right ?


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5. Maturity Delays ...

Wow ! What happened ? Sonia has been biting her nails, wondering ? I mentioned above specifically that " IntGold maturities for P2 are running 9 days late " ... maturities paid through e-Gold I believe are farther behind. Since we specified using IntGold for growcash, I will leave it to one of you who needs to know to update us on e-Gold - I do not have enough time ... but why the delays anyway ?

Some of you are still thinking in HYIP mode ... is a problem. Needs to stop. You know that most HYIPs are not what they say they are; you know when HYIP payouts start to slow, usually means it is collapsing - a pyramid. I know you know. Last issue I told you about Forex trading - what fuels International Traders. IT is not HYIP. Some of you have not gone to Parent Body to read as you were instructed. In these updates, I can help you learn, answer some of your questions, sure ... but if you do not go to PB and educate yourself, what can I say to you except ...

Please do so soon as you can - read as much as you can.

There are other places to find information, but here is one:
Now go to and look at the kitco chart.

Pretend that you own $1000 of gold - sitting in your account. The chart I am looking at right now for May 5 closed with gold $1 higher than the day opened - lowest price was about $428 / ounce, highest at about $431 / ounce. The price of gold is always changing - day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute - always changing. You have to know that.

Your $1000 in gold ? Actually, in your gold account you have a QUANTITY of gold - not a quantity of dollars. Something very important to consider, eh ? If you have $1000 in gold at the start of a day, and the price of gold goes up, you still have the same amount of gold, regardless of price. If the price increases one dallar during the day, the value of your quantity of gold has gone up, so you actually have about $1002 of gold at the end of the day ( about 2.33 ounces at $430/ounce ) - you would have "made" $2.33 - around that. If the price went DOWN a dollar, you would have lost a little over $2.00 so you would only have $998 in monetary value.

Now, let us suppose you start the day owning gold worth $1 million. The price goes down a dollar ? You lose over $2000 ... see ? If you are holding a lot of gold, and the price begins to fall ? What will you do ? Keep your head, I hope. Some folks tend to panic. What if you are a payment processor like e-Gold and you need to buy more gold to back up customer deposits ( IntGold does not do that ) ?

What if a new entity comes along "overnight" and begins paying out 3 or 4 times what 18,000 or more members have deposited 30 days previously, and you are e-Gold ... and suddenly you do not have enough in your reserve account and you have to buy more gold, and the price is rising ? You know, you might just go out of business, unless you take your time and follow procedures ... which might mean that you will not be able temporarily to satisfy the needs of your customers ... so are you beginning to see what is going on behind the scenes with IT maturities ? The payment processors were overwhelmed by IT in the last week of April, and at the same time, the price of gold went down suddenly as I recall ( it has regained since ) ... so even if they had "enough" gold, it was not worth as much ... complicated ya think ?

Well, good time to buy more, maybe, if you are fast ? While price is down ? Maybe. Are you beginning to be glad that you are an IT member and the trading is left to skilled experts ? I hope so ...

To be honest, I cannot pretend to explain to you thouroughly about the delays in IT maturities right now. I can give you some insights. I can remind you the wisdom of IT setting up its own bank ... and you can begin to see, I am sure, that SmartCard is a very smart idea. One thing I will say is that you do not really have to worry about the fluctuating price of gold - that is gray hair and wrinkles for the traders. Whatever currency you begin with, you will receive the specified amount at maturity - regardless the price of gold. Only if you are using e-Gold ( another reason we use IntGold ) are you concerned about the price of gold affecting what you are holding. Your e-Gold monetary balance fluctuates - something you likely have not noticed if you only keep small amounts there ...

The problem with delayed maturities is with the payment processors ( e-Gold, IntGold, etc. ) The $$ is with IT - the problem is getting it to you when the processors between IT and you cannot handle the increasingly larger transactions, for whatever the reason they cannot. Just as soon as you can, if you are managing your own account, MAKE SURE you devote at least $27 to Portal 7 - get in line now for a SmartCard ! No need to put in more than $27 - you can, but no need. I recommend if you want to add more to P7, wait. Grow your own funds first - that is more important to you personally, to be able to benefactor your 3 soonest so you will get your alternate incomes growing.

Important note: DO NOT attempt to purchase a SmartCard for someone other than yourself through your Portal 7 using your own IntGold account. That will not work. We will talk more about that later.

Only 9 days behind schedule ? Not bad, all things considered ... not bad at all.

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Problems will either stop you or stretch you.

Most of the times we want to use our faith to get rid of a problem with Divine delivering power, but we forget about Divine enabling power, to enable us to endure.

You are not just going through ... you are growing through.

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6. Looking Ahead ...

I am still not psychic - not a psychic, no - and I do not have a crystal ball, but I will tell you something of the future of growcash. It will continue slow for a while ...

Through May and June I will continue to build on your STI positions, and as my P2 maturities come in I will build in 7 Dollar Plan, knowing that you are not far behind me and will begin adding your own entries before long. As you continue to have evidence of our system working to your benefit, you will begin sharing those benefits with others, who will want to join us. As slow as I am sure this process has seemed to you so far, I am also sure you can begin - are beginning - to see it picking up steam now, and you can imagine what this pot will be like when it starts to boil for you !

With good intentions, most of you will follow our plan as soon as you are far enough in profit to do so without much diminishing you earning power with IT - that as it should be. My preference is that you continue to build your IT earning power so you have a strong financial base from which to work. When you receive your first profit from STI, I hope you will follow through with benefactoring at least 3 right away, so I hope you are thinking about who you can help. I realize STI is no immediate help to anyone financially, but as a goodwill gesture on your part, STI is a way to help solidify a new friendship and to build trust, showing that you are serious about helping others.

Some of you will remain in your comfort zone, not adding new members to our group. Makes quite a difference if you do. growcash membership would be approaching or passed 100 by now if each of you introduced 3 others.

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7. You Hear What You Want To Hear

" Parent Body registration is temporarily closed. We are making changes, and for security reasons, we have closed registration to the Parent Body until further notice. When improvements to the system have been made, it will reopen with full details "

Please read for yourself and make up your own mind:
... and I recommend you read:

It strikes me right off that one point constantly stressed in learning about IT is doing something positive for others with IT profits. IT is answer to prayer for me - a way to facilitate what I have been working to implement for almost three years. IT has special meaning to Sonia, and to you as well I hope - that is, more than just "easy money" ... because money is not happiness. What you do with your earnings is what will bring you fulfillment and satisfaction.

Last item today: It would be most helpful to me when you are asking about something you read in PB - please include URL of the thread or post so I can go right to it to read it myself. Not enough time here to keep up with those of you contacting and also read in PB, so I am relying on you to update me on important items you find

Stay well. Take your time and plan carefully. Until next time ...


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