Thursday, April 14, 2005


1. That Was Fun ...
2. Mentoring ...
3. Portal 1 is History ...
4. Portal 1 Results
5. Moving up to Portal 2
6. " I Lost My Money ... ! "
7. Deeper Than Surface Need

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1. That Was Fun ...

Sunday afternoon a week ago was a little intense, but it was fun - I like that. Glad you are moving up the steps ... but of course once you get familiar with IT, you will do make deposits on your own and we will not have such Q&A sessions. Remember that your "progeny" can take advantage of the same service, though - that is what I am here for.

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2. Mentoring ...

Any day of the week - every day of the week - I would rather tell you what I have found from my experience than tell you what someone else has told me to tell you. Therein lies a major problem ( for me ) with many MLMs and such - upline sponsors / recruiters who recite a sales pitch given them by someone else. Whatever good there may be in it, and there is some - whatever good intentions behind that recital practice ... well, my frieind Claire Solt in Florida said it all when she said: " Do they think I am stupid ? "

Someone calls and "recites" ... " James, don't worry - I'm not going to sell you anything. " How can I respond to that statement and still be polite; that is the challenge for me. Of course the caller had better be selling something. The caller should be selling himself / herself ! ... and it ain't ever gonna happen by being dishonest right off the mark ! A sales call is a sales call is a sales call. How on earth does anyone expect to get someone to know about an opportunity by knocking the prospect down or out with the first words out of the mouth ? I want to be polite. I want callers to be honest.

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3. Portal 1 is History ...

IT made decision to permanently close Portal 1. A wise idea IMO. P1 was a good way to introduce IT and allow a large number of people to learn how easy the process; also to test the process and to make necessary improvements. The flip side is so many - way too many - tiny transactions ... not just one at a time, but often a group of five transactions, each one having to be done separately and perfectly, then followed 30 days later by another group of five as the security deposits are repaid. Overloads the system unnecessarily. Practice time is done. Portal 1 is now closed.

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4. Portal 1 Results

jt directly funded Portal 1 for:
- jt1
- Franklyn
- Pearl
- Doris
- Roberta
- Nick
- Arieh
- Phillis
- Hilda
jt forwarded funding for Portal 1 to:
- Jeff
- John
Total jt cost: $275.00

All positions matured except Hilda waiting
Total received to date: $400.00
Total forwarded: $350.00
No report from Jeff or John

P1 Security Deposits are coming in earlier now - seems IT wants to clear out P1 as soon as possible. Yes - all maturities will be paid.

Note: There are a number of you signed up to growcash forum who have not yet entered first and last name to your profile - such a simple thing to do to get your benefits ... and here is a clue:
If your address on this message does not show your first and last name, then you have not yet qualified in growcash forum ... or I have mad a mistake.

If you are no longer interested in what we are doing, you can opt-out any time
- just let me know and I will remove you from forum and list.

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" The state of mind must be BELIEF, not mere hope or wish. Open-mindedness is essential for belief. "

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5. Moving up to Portal 2

Portal 1 maturity was set at 15 days, however ...
- my P1 matured at 10 days
- Franklyn's P1 matured at 12 days
- Doris's P1 matured at 13 days

At the same time, Portal 2 has been running about 3 days late 'til now. There are ongoing issues with e-Gold - e-Gold site was reportedly hacked ( suspicious report IMO ) and e-Gold imposed limits on IT, reason unknown to me. There are no known ( by me ) issues with IntGold, which is our preferred transactor. The lag in Portal 2 seems to have to do with training additional tellers to handle the load as payouts increase rapidly.

Our plan must now shift to using P2 to benefactor new members to our group. The only real difference I can see is that it will be easier for you - you will need only make one (1) deposit instead of 5.

Benefactoring to IT remains $25.00 - a one-time spend for your benefactee which will return $50.00 to the benefactee 30 days later.

On receipt, you are to forward $50.50 to your benefactored new member so they can redeposit the full $50 to their own Portal 2 - assuming they have by then verified their IntGold account. If they have not, then you will redeposit for them to allow their funds to grow while they finish verification process. Again, send $50.50 to cover IntGold fee so your benefactee has full $50.00 to deposit.

At 60 days ( 30 days after redeposit ) you will receive the Security Deposit ( $25.00 ) to your IntGold. You will then forward $25.00 ( no extra for fee ) to your benefactored member - IF and only if that person has completed IntGold verification. If your referral has not completed verification by 60 days, we will assume that person is not responsible or following instructions and you will not be required to send anything more to that person - in other words, you would then retain your intial deposit which has been returned to you ... to be used to help someone else. You may ask me how to proceed if you are in doubt.

Either way you will have helped someone. Realize that not everyone really wants to be helped ... that some will decide how and when they will be helped, or will be distracted or take advantage. That is all part of the qualification process - something we will improve as we go.

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" If I do not hear from you, should I assume you are still interested ... ? "

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6. " I Lost My Money ... ! "

Yesterday I had occasion to say to one of our members:
"Life is fun. Life is good. One thing which keeps life fun for me is trying to understand how other people think ... : ) "

So very true. No boredom here. I am well entertained. She had written to inform me that she would not be able to keep her promise to benefactor 3 ... BECAUSE ... Portal 1 is closed. Huh ?

Whatever could the closure have to do with benefactoring someone ? Beats me !
... but I expect such e-mails. Is only a matter of time before I receive a message saying, " I Lost My Money ... ! "
... as one of you will have benefactored someone into IT who promptly "disappears" - it will happen.

When it does happen, it might happen because you have not thought through the qualification process I have given you. We are not in a hurry here please. You must take time to get to know the person you will be benefactoring. The "rush to recruit" is part of Backwards Marketing ... and that is NOT what we are doing here. When there is someone who needs your help, you will know. It will be clear to you what you can do for that person ONLY because you have taken time to get to know them. That IS what we are doing here - establishing relationships over time, just as I have done with most of you.

You will see your downlines grow in our other programs even before you are ready to benefactor someone - some of you are already seeing it ... so there is no rush. Take your time, make new friends, qualify them, find those who will work with you and follow your lead. There are plenty of people out there who need some help - medical bills, kids being raised by a single parent or a parent who really wants to stay home to raise kids properly, those who want to send kids to college but have been unable to save or what they did save had to go for emergency. You will know when you have found the persons (3) you will benefactor - believe me. Just work on those new friendships and it will be revealed to you who they are who need what you have to give.

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" ... no one is ever defeated until defeat is accepted as a reality. "

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7. Deeper Than Surface Need

We have many needs among us, but I have to tell you I am most impressed with what Sonia is doing. Sonia lives in Barbados and very much needs to provide her mother with a new house - what has possessed Sonia totally since before her 21st birthday. She just turned 22 and with IT has already grown funds for the house to over $1100 which has been reentered to Portal 2. That amount will continue to more than double each month ...

When I met Sonia she had nothing but a computer and something she very much needed to do. Since then, several people have begun working with Sonia to help her grow multiple income streams and I want to tell you that Sonia is proving to be a very capable manager. When I met Sonia last year I knew there was something I needed to do to help her, even if all I could do was encourage, but she has been a busy lady - not someone just looking for a handout. To top that, she is working with a computer that is only a whisper of its former self, so I am going to see that she has a new computer soon.

There is a dark side to this tale however - something that could affect any one of you. The house Sonia's mother lives in is not going to last much longer - it is literally falling apart around its occupants. It has to be replaced, and soon. This is not a matter of wanting better - this is a matter of absolute necessity. Consequenltly, every time there is delay of receiving a maturity - even if only a couple days, it gnaws on Sonia. Sonia can see the new house in her mind; she is having plans drawn up ... but at the same time she does not want to get her mother's hopes too high too soon. Like so many of you, Sonia has seen too much disappointment - and not just on the Internet. That house is necessity - not desire.

I want each of you to say a prayer for Sonia - help her keep as calm as possible - balanced - excited about what will be, but not agoniziing over delays. Help Sonia keep her balance. Sonia will be a good manager and more from this experience, and there will be much she can and will do to help others after she finishes this project ... but the going is rough on her right now - a real trial. I know some of you have situations not so very different - catastrophic medical bills for instance can leave someone so close to being homeless as to begin to believe they are homeless ... everything they have worked for seeming to fall apart around them and not much they can do to change any ofd it.

Most of you are beginning to understand what a gift you have been given with IT ... and with growcash.

Next issue I will explain why I am not sure about some of you ... and perhaps if you are wondering if I am referring to you personally you will send me a note to ask : ) and I will help you.

A few of you are not communicating, which leaves me wondering about you ... are you okay ?

Many of you are beginning to see what is ahead for us all as new possibilities are allowed to take shape in your mind - the way Sonia can see the new house. You can also see there is much more we can and will do to help each other than just solving that first "pressing need" ... as for instance, Sonia is gaining valuable experience that will stay with her for a lifetime.

Stay well. Take your time and plan well. There is much more to our story.
Until next time ...


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