Thursday, March 31, 2005


1. Mom's passing ...
2. IT Challenges
3. Portal 1
4. Portal 1 Maturity
5. Benefactoring
6. What Do I Think About IT Now ... ?
7. Suspended Trading

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1. Mom's passing ...

Happy Easter !

As many of you know, my mother passed away March 19.

Through 60 of her 87 years, Mom prepared us in so many ways to continue without her.

What a beautiful force and presence in our lives. We will miss her.

After cremation at her request, there will be a gathering at Smith Rock sometime this coming summer.

My own recent experience makes details of the Schiavo case much more personal ...

My apologies to all, especially Emily, for not getting back to you sooner.

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2. IT Challenges

Most of this issue will be about IT [ International Trading ]

We have some challenges regarding IT - IT itself is having challenges. That is the "bad" news.

Good news is that we should always have such easy "problems" as opposed to what comes to us most often ... : )

IT is growing and getting stronger every day - it will be a force for good in our world

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3. Portal 1 Maturity

IT Portal 1 is set up to allow five $5 spends ... making it possible for anyone to get started with IT at very affordable cost ...

Of course YOUR cost is ZERO since either I or your benefactor has or will have paid your way in ... and we are taking a more aggressive approach than "just five dollars" ...

Our plan maxes out Portal 1 for you - that is, once your benefactor has spent $25 through Portal 1, that is the lifetime limit. No more can be spent to Portal 1 in your account - ever.

You receive $50 15 days later. After that, the lowest Portal to which you may spend is Portal 2.

Portal 2 minimum spend is $20.00 - maximum $180.00

At my last read, my understanding is that you can build up to a maximum of 10 $180 spends to Portal 2 each day of the month ...
... that is: A maximum of $1800 each day of the month ( if you choose to ), which returns to you $4500 each day of the following month, with your original $1800 coming back to you each day of the second month ... as you continue with whatever you have set as your own strategy.

Give it time. You can and will do some great things with IT

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4. Portal 1 Maturity

Portal 1 maturity (when you receive your profit) is set at 15 days, however ...
- my P1 matured at 10 days
- Franklyn's P1 matured at 12 days
- Doris's P1 matured at 13 days ... but, has only so far returned $30 of the $50 due ...

That is good news, overall ... and I will tell you why, but first ...

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5. Benefactoring

Here is one challenge:
Franklyn's P1 maturity was paid to my IntGold account ... why ? Because I funded his P1

Even though Franklyn reset his IntGold number to his back office / profile as instructed, the way IT is set up payment goes oniy to the account # that made original spend.

The easy solution here is that each member will make his / her own spend(s) from his / her own IntGold account to max out P1

... but, that foils parts of our plan. For instance, could be you send someone $25 (actually, you will then have to send $25.50 so they have the full $25.00 to enter), and then they are embarrassed to say they need help or make a mistake and not want to admit it ... so they stand still - hope that does not happen, and maybe I "worry too much" ... " What ? Me worry ? "

If someone does not read ( get to know ) their new contact well enough, the person may take the $25 - thank you, and gone ... so you will have to take more care in deciding who you will benefactor.

I will work on this - needs to be a better way. For now I will just send you $50.00 when your P1 matures.
You would only receive $49.50 after IntGold fees from IT, but to make sure you have that $49.50 I will send you $50.00 - not a problem for me.

Last note here is that I want you to choose someone ( 3 of them ) who agree also to benefactor in STI and 7 Dollar Plan, to build mulitiple income streams ... otherwise, you are just spinning your wheels. Nice to help someone who needs to start earning easily, but if they are not going to help you build your downlines in those programs, then you are just doing a good deed and not growing the group.

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6. What Do I Think About IT Now ... ?

That is a very serious question asked of me by Sonia today. Most of you are aware that IT was offline for two days ... but what you might not yet know is why.

A virus affected the script in the forum - shut down forums using the samescript worldwide as a matter of fact. I understand some of you get nervous when you see profits ahead of you, then you see the site go down ... has happened to you so many times before, and most often it has meant all your hopes were dashed. Not to mention how much some of you need the benefits here ...

What you do not see "behind the curtain" as it were, is the huge job being done - not only was the site was back up in just over 48 hours, but the script was "debugged" and upgraded at the same time, along with carrying the extra security features built into the old script into the new script. That did not all happen without having the right people in place to do the job.

IT is going through massive growing pains right now - hiring many people to do what a few were doing as trading increases at a rapid pace. Consider our own tiny group - that almost a dozen people have signed up and are waiting for P1 maturity, and some of us have entered higher portals. Multiply that by thousands of tiny groups around the world, and realize that the increased amount of incoming funds require more traders; that increasing disbursements require more tellers ... there is a huge amount of activity going on behind the scenes, and will continue as IT is likely to continue fast growth for a while.

I know how and why you get the jitters when you see the site go down or some hiccup in the works. I want you to understand that you have been given a gift - an unexpected gift, a real suprise in your life. Take a deep breath, and remember that time is always a factor. What will become $50 in 30 days will become $125 30 days later, and will grow at the same rate as long as you faithfully manage it.

Stand up now and feel the smile on your face - the smile you are going to be carrying with you each day as your IT funds grow ... the smile other people are going to notice, and will eventually ask you about. Feel it now. Do not abuse the privilege of carrying that smile, do not let it make you feel self-important - just enjoy the feeling of that smile being there, and remember why it is there ... but also remember that what we are doing is one day at a time. It will come but it will take time, so take good care of yourself - think about your future and allow yourself to make plans, however "impossible" those plans might have seemed yesterday ... at least allow yourself to begin to see the possibilities of what you will be enabled to do. That will reinforce the smile you carry, as your confidence grows.

At the same time, as I have said before ... I look forward to collecting around 7500 more sunrises, but I have no way of knowing for sure what tomorrow will bring - a too fast bus too close as I step off a curb ? Be aware of your surroundings and keep everything in proper perspective - realize there are no guarantees in this life. As much and as well as you or I can plan, what will be will be. Do not count the $$ until it is in your hand. IT is one way - not the only way - we are earning. Go easy on yourself.

Those of us who were in Kiawana helped pave the way - part of what was learned there was that Kiawana had to evolve to grow, and so it has. It has become IT. The crew behind IT has much more experience than you might be thinking just now. Spend as much time in IT forum as you can, learn all you can, and you will see what I mean.

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7. Suspended Trading

Honestly, some of you may have had more time than I to read in forum enough to understand why trading is sometimes suspended. I do know that a raft of new tellers is being trained right now to handle increasing payouts. I would rather see the site down for a day or two, or trading suspended, while "reinforcements" are trained to the do the job properly, rather than overload current staff. To me it is the way business should be run - a matter of good planning instead of "doiing the best we can"

Green Light should be on within 24 to 48 hours - then we move forward again. I will be contacting you individually. Be well now


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