Friday, May 27, 2005


In this issue:

1. Outcry ...
2. My First Response To Changes ...
3. Caressing The Kitty ...
4. The Solution
5. In My View ...
7. Payback

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1. Outcry ...

Welcome new members since last update ! Good progress. Glad to have you with us ... waiting with us : )

In recent years I have had a chance to read again a few books I first read long ago. In doing so, I wonder to myself: " Where was I ? ... how could I have misunderstood what is written in this book ? "

How could I have not got the message more clearly first time round ... ? On rare occasions I get to see a movie a second time, by choice or chance, and it is like seeing a different movie. Sometimes it may generate similar feelings as first time, but I notice many new things and wonder how I could not have seen them the first time ...

We get out of reading or movie watching something relative to where we are ... distracted ? upset ? in love ? depressed ... ? Same goes with reading in Parent Body ...

Monday morning IT announced its new structure - a relatively short message ... too short considering it had not enough detail - left too many questions unanswered, for which ... more confusion.

By the time I got to read the announcement, the message had already three pages of replies - mostly ...
- complaints, flaming, backbiting
- comments and "advice" regarding the complaints, flaming, backbiting
- backslapping congratulations on the comments and "advice" ... and some on the original post ...
- more complaints and flaming because someone commented ...

Initially, there were so many complaints, a few calls for refunds ... from people who had not yet time to read and understand the changes to IT. Still, about half the posts were in favour ...

I need real information though - not all the chatter. Not time enough to wade through fluff ...

The places to find real information, when it is available:
See also:

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The Global Creation of Wealth * To Give Hope * To Fulfill Dreams * To Bring About Prosperity and Happiness * Through People Helping People

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2. My First Response To Changes ...

Very late in the day in OZ, Paul, Director of Communications, posted preliminary answers to the chatter.

His post prompted me to write. By that time, the announcement thread was closed for the day, so I posted as a new topic ...

theinvisibleman, Director of Communications said:

"Paid back installments" means - as funds arrive from the markets they will be sent into the outstanding accounts.
I'm "Communications" not "Finance" - but I do know that they plan to pay out all overdue amounts as quickly as possible -
My guess? say 2 to 3 months.....could be sooner pending the markets
releasing the funds....if the markets are performing well then the payments will run hot.

main thing is - we are back and fulfilling our promise..... "

Seems to me it does not take an expert in finance to do some simple math here. What I read in that statement is that funds are not now available for payout; whereas, it has been my belief that funds are available in IT system, but the problem has been payment transactors, particularly e-Gold, slowing the distribution of funds due the membership.

Are we thinking differently here ? The above statement seems to indicate those funds are not available in IT system at present, but will only become available if the market runs "hot" enough ... ? I realize everyone is tired, stressed - but what is the situation here really please ?

"2 to 3 months" seems a bit awkward considering we are / have been led to believe skilled professional traders are at work behind IT and that profits, which I realize are estimated at best, are within acceptable range to cover payouts previously outlined in the Portal system.

If profits to general membership are being delayed for reasons of securing a larger and more stable trading fund, that could be a good move, but only if there are not problems within the system (as opposed to external factors) which have caused delays in disbursement. If there are, what measures are being taken to ensure such problems do not exist a year from now - at which time subsequent delays would be longer ?

IMO something does not quite add up here - at least not as "explained" by the above statement. New system as announced has many merits, though I cannot yet decide whether the system overall will be as accessible or helpful to as many as previously. Thank you in advance for your clarification.

About an hour later, my post was moved to the discussion table ... and there has been no specific reply to that message; however, I have had reply to another post since, and have had a little time to think through the changes ... what they will mean for us ...

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3. Caressing The Kitty ...

As I see it, one of the biggest problems within IT membership is unrealistic expectations. Each person so busy filling a pot of gold ... not seeing the larger picture ...

Most people do not want to do the math; ie. 20,000 members ... let us say each has on average $1000 in the works = $20 million ... and that to double each month - as long as they are in P2

Means at six months, there is $640 million in the works assuming no one takes out - more than traders can trade ... ? Who knows for sure ? A lot at risk ! A lot of $$ moving back and forth ...

... but suppose most of that money is taken as profits by members. Do you think IntGold and e-Gold and NetPay combined are going to move say 30 to 40 million dollars each month - outgoing - just for IT ?

Maybe ...

It should be easy enough for you to see from that example what I mean. The real PROBLEM is due to the fact that IT - successful IT - is causing an excess amount of funds to be transferred too OFTEN.

Since the overall goal of IT is to generate LONG-TERM wealth for all, there is no NEED for money to be moving back and forth all the time, is there ?. Solution to inability of payment processors to handle excess load is NOT to stop the process of generating profits, not to buy more gold, not to form a bank ( which has been done - Access Universal Credit Union, not yet available at google ) ...

At the other extreme, Mac at top of IT cannot be "connected" to the real-life concerns of many members ... not able to keep a clear head if he were, and not necessary that he should be.

Communication from top to members therefore is filtered, and IMO not so very well right now. There seems to be too much "shotgun" approach from Paul - trying to "please" everyone, yet not quite addressing the issues voiced by members in general ... concerned about not answering posts, yet not quite answering the pressing questions ...

There is suggestion that delayed maturities have somehow been "reinvested" ... but no more than rumour - nothing solid to say either way, which IMO is not good from point of view that a member wants to know where he or she is ( "Am I due what was due then, or what will be due from a subsequent cycle ... ?" ) and leaving such an important question unanswered or at least "cloudy" is not good practice.

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4. The Solution

The SOLUTION is simply to reduce the volume - the rate - of funds transfer. The new system accomplishes exactly that, and more ...

The new system limits the amount you will be able to double - triple actually - to $1000 per month:

You will be able to have funds available within IT (YOUR ACCOUNT) and to distribute those funds as you decide - without incurring transfer fees outside the system, until you decide to withdraw from YOUR ACCOUNT. The minimum plan allows you to have "any amount up to $1000" but "LIMITED TO $1000 INVESTMENT IN ANY 30 DAY PERIOD" earning "300% in 30 days"

" ALL MATURITIES IN ALL OPTIONS ARE RETURNED TO "YOUR ACCOUNT" " - again, no transfer fees to IntGold, etc.
... however, when you decide to withdraw funds, you will incur a fee from GoldNow.

The opportunity to triple up to $1000 each month is not something to be sneezed at. In Sonia's case, it does pose some difficulty ...

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The thoughts you give to your mind are the things you will receive in the near future. Be careful what you give. It is you who will wear the fruits.
- Ken Darby
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5. In My View ...

Thinking seems to be that IT membership should be more focused on long term investing rather than short-term greed. I agree.

As the new system has been so far defined, with minimal calculation seems to me members profits will be higher overall - with exceptions. For instance, Portal 2 was limited - max 10 $180 deposits per day, with total return about $13.500 per month ...

Closest to P2 in new system is: TRADING ACCOUNT


YOUR ACCOUNT (cleared funds not invested) ... like a bank account, but without the criminal intent to deprive you - 48% per annum instead of 1.5% at your local vault shop.
Limit: Any balance
Requirement to earn interest: Minimum $100
Return: 1% per week - paid monthly

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When your own financial house is in order, then you can be a blessing to others.

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- 1. Never invest more than you can afford to lose. (Experienced investors know this is a basic rule) [ remember that invested funds are at risk - ed. ]

- 2. Never place all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your investments. IT is just one of many opportunities, including property and shares.
(Experienced investors always spread their interests widely)

- 3. Aim to remove all personal debt as your number one strategy.

- 4. Aim to build a private investment portfolio so that you are self funding even if it4us were to dissolve.

- 5. Never give up the day JOB until you are self funding.

- 6. Never introduce friends and acquaintances until you are at least debt free or only if they understand the risks and are prepared to take FULL responsibility for their decision.
(You can't be held accountable for other people's decisions)

- 7. Continue to educate yourself. The world keeps changing.

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Back issues of updates at:
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7. Payback

There are and will be those who do not believe / see what we are doing at growcash as "real business" ... and that is okay with me. In my view, among the fundamental differences between individuals in any society ( and this is at present a flaw within IT itself ) are "background" and "present circumstances" ... that some folks are sometimes so overwhelmed with present financial or other NEED that they are temporarily blinded to all else; conversely, being overwhelmed with position and responsibility is also blinding.

One finds a new job, circumstances change ... outlook improves, there is time again to see the larger picture - unless we, as individuals, do not have it within us to take in that larger view. Some never will - not part of their lifestyle. Nothing against them personally ... we all have our own private road to travel in this life ...

The purpose of our association with IT is to generate income, is it not ? Sound arguments can be made on both sides of the question whether the Portal system was / is sustainable. I personally believe it is ... and having said that, I say again as I do too often, that most people do not do the math. The downside of the Portal system is in too many people continuing a "get-rich-quick" mentality ... perhaps through necessity in some cases - hard to say what is root cause for each person. Shifting to investment and strategy mode takes time for some.

From where I sit, it appears an awakening for IT Principals ( those in charge ) to grasp the real NEED among the general membership ... the same sort of "class distincition" that allows otherwise ethical individuals to continue "Backward Marketing" - lack of awareness that $5 or $10 or $25 actually makes a difference to some folks out there. While one member devoted 10% of her household budget and grew substantial IT earnings, others have squandered their profits, expecting the "golden goose" to continue unchanged. They disregard Natural Law - adapt and survive.

What IT has done to date is given those who have invested ( yes ) wisely something of substance to help themselves get even fiancially and / or help others begin the task. Now it is time to bring the IT system level and set course for farther destinations. There is much we have to do, so remember to get your exercise, and not eat too much ! Stay healthy as you can.


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