Sunday, May 22, 2005


In this issue:

1. Interminable Waiting ...
2. Growing growcash In The Meantime ...
3. growcash Updated Member List
4. Internet Privacy
5. " ... but can you explain it to them ... ? "
6. Cleaning The Yard ...
7. Payback

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1. Interminable Waiting ...

Welcome new members since last update ! Good progress. Glad to have you with us ... waiting with us : )

IT site is not altogether offline. Have found some ingress, but nothing much functional yet. The one bit of news I can lay hand on right now came through Bryan Hedges at STI:

" Here it is!! Storm's Post
Posted on 05/20/05 at 07:49 GMT
HEY GANG *S*Posted by STORM on 05/20/05 at 07:19 GMT

Hey Everyone, All of this caught me in transit :PSo just popping in to CONFIRM that there is nothing to be concerned about. Mark, Shawn, Jodi and few others are all either in transit or at remote locations also, so they are doing best to contact their "People" and get things resolved. What the "Situation" is at this time, is that we were in process of switching servers, and also -- as mentioned -- encountered a DDOS attack. Nothing to worry about, just little bump in the road. Soon as that bump has been sorted out, then we will be Sharing some FANTASTIC News and New changes. Have some really exciting changes in store for everyone. Soon as we can get all of these changes implemented, all of our current "Issues'" will then be Completely resolved, and then we can ALL get backing to "Working" and Most Importantly ENJOYING our Business, as apposed to just talking about IT.

We know there is an awful lot of concern out there at the moment, and certainly enough of the Rumours and all the other "Garbage" floating around that certainly does not help at all. But from where we are sitting things are looking Absolutely Fantastic -- Very Soon you will be able to SEE -- and even more importantly -- be able to EXEPRIENCE what we are working on at present. Once all of these things/ changes start becoming Obvious to you, and as you are learning the "Course" of things, we will be working to eliminate all previous backlog, and then ALL of us can get on with the Really Exciting Stuff :D. Okay, losing my connection here gang so will close. Next few days are going to be filled with getting our people back to their Home countries and sitting down to get all of these things underway.

Paul (T.I.M) will be sending out a MAJOR Announcement and Update just as soon as he can sit down somewhere and bust IT all out to you :) In the mean time we will do our best to share as much Accurate information as possible. We also have some audio recordings we will be working on uploading for all of you. Okay must go before getting cut off. Take Care All Mac "

Also good for you to read while you are thus waiting ...

If you can access site no other way, use:
... only membership list is functional as I can see

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Listening is an art form and there are rules to follow:
1 Be truly interested in what someone is saying to you.
2. Be aware of body language. Does it match the words?
3. Look the speaker right in the eye for sometimes the eyes will tell you more than the mouth.
4. Actively engage in the conversation.
5. Never speak to someone without looking them in the eye.
6. Never speak with something in or over your mouth.
7. Care about who you are speaking with.
8. Care about what they are speaking about, because, while it may be of no real interest to you it apparently is to them.
9. Check out the surroundings to see if there are any clues of which you should be aware.
10. When listening, have both feet on the floor and ean slightly toward the speaker.
11. Smile

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2. Growing growcash In The Meantime ...

Some days, if it were not for getting bogged down ( computer problems ) or sidetracked ( priorities ? ) ... or elevated by your kind words, I wonder if I would feel like I was getting anywhere at all. Comes to mind about four years ago a bit in a brilliant sales piece referred to the Internet as a "world-wide love fest" - everyone building each other up, forums for the otherwise lonely to spend endless hours ... abounding opportunities to make money, etc. The author has since gone on to another occupation ... without "untold" riches from Internet - a Backwards Marketer gone bust. Oops !

Am I keeping up here ? Keeping you up ? Caught up ? Wow - I finally got to a point where I can catch up with some I have not heard from since before "Crash of 1/17" ... !

Just have to keep after it. A few days on 32MB RAM might as well have been offline altogether - able to answer some e-mails, but not much practical use.

I continue working down my list, crossing items off one at a time. "We do not do boredom here" ... will be a sign over the doorway soon. In theory, for most of you, all this waiting should have not much effect, as growcash is a way of earning you alternate / extra income ... not to take away from your other activities, which I know keep you quite busy. Still, I do not want to leave you impression that what we are doing is just waiting for it to happen - someone needs to be making new friends, developing relationships, talking about what we have to offer, eh ?

One simple way for you to spread the word about growcash is "the plan" ... with which some of you are too familiar : ) ...

You have a computer ( if you are reading this ) and that machine could be making $$ for you right now while you are reading this message ... and you could be showing / telling someone new about what we are doing - gaining new members for growcash, even while you sleep, using "the plan" ... ask me !

With IT profits, even Nick could afford to run "the plan" ... but no, disregard that, Sir ! Better pay attention to giving good dental care - no distractions.

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The Global Creation of Wealth * To Give Hope * To Fulfill Dreams * To Bring About Prosperity and Happiness * Through People Helping People

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3. growcash Updated Member List

You may have noticed ( ) I am now able to make changes to your profiles ? I did. Log in to see changes ...

Spent considerable time going through the Boards one by one, making notes ... believe I have accurately recorded your points earned to date. Please let me know if you disagree ...

One thing I noticed in Board 4 - "About You" - is that most of you carefully included all your qualification details there - thank you ... even though the intention was for you to include them in your Profile - reason being that member list is easier for other members to find that info about you should they want to contact you.

In "Welcome and Introduction" is stated:
" To fully qualify, you must:
1. Register - include your city, state, country
2. Include First and Last Name in your profile
3. Complete all numbered boards (2-10) below this board "

You see, I did say "in your profile" regarding first and last name, but did not specify profile regarding city, state, and country. See how difficult my job is ... ? : ) One little "mistake" and ... confusion.

The lovely and efficient staff at ProBoards has solved all that for all of us ... with new changes to the software, I can now make changes to your profile, and other members do not have to dig to get to know details about you. Notice the member list is not available to the public, so only hackers would be able to access the member list without being a registered member of growcash ... and if you really have an objection to other group members knowing those few details about you, then you do need to contact me soonest !

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4. Internet Privacy

Is there such a thing as privacy on the Internet ? The way I look at what I do, is like having a physical store where, at any minute, anyone from anywhere in the world might "pop in" ... their popping in more like receiving a phone call from them to be sure - but in the sense I need to devote myself to them personally for that portion of time ? I would really prefer they were present physically - would be easier to make sure communication was fulfilled, for one thing ... so yes, I would prefer their physical presence. Might get crowded here sometimes : ) ... but that is okay.

Whether you are in business on the Internet or not, you do have the option to put up the storm windows (firewall) and keep them up; filter your e-mail, deny access to as much of the outside population as possible, if that is what you want or need to do. Firewall is a necessity for all the criminal pranksters about - especially for the damage they do to one's system if allowed to enter. Filtering ? Not for me. Here, e-mail filtering is only a nuisance - impedes flow of communication. Yes, I do receive unwanted and obnoxious communication, but my memory is good enough still to find the Delete key ...

Privacy is not an issue here; I have no privacy. My choice. Hard to be Customer Service Guy and have privacy at same time : )

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entrepreneur: " one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise "

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5. " ... but can you explain it to them ... ? "

One challenge I have been grappling with ...

How to present the overall picture of what we are doing - how it can be of help to others ... locally, to an individual who may not be familiar with Internet follies, or not even online; how to present to someone for whom what we are doing seems "too good to be true" ... ? Interesting dilemma ... because any sensible person you will talk with and say " You can double your money every month. " will quckly decide what you need is a straight jacket ... ?

Takes a lot of thought and preparation to be able to explain that someone in this world is willing to stand behind their own name, form an international corporation ... to help others.

" The Global Creation of Wealth * To Give Hope * To Fulfill Dreams * To Bring About Prosperity and Happiness * Through People Helping People "

Must be a nutcase, eh ?

We know IT works. We have our Clubhouse stats to prove it ( though we cannot access them today ). Nothing illegal about what is being done - has been done for decades ( how long really ? ) ... trading currencies in the open market, benefiting as a group from legal trading that is usually available only to corporate entities and those who can hire knowledgeable professionals to trade for them ...

A short-term goal here is to find six people with whom I can work one-on-one, face-to-face ... people with a willingness to use the opportunity of IT not just for personal gain, but with a diversity of outlook from which we can help get some people off the streets, off the "dole" ... support a safe environment for at risk teens and women who need "out" ...

Are you thinking Big Enough ?

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Back issues of updates for anyone who wants to reread - but especially for those of you new still trying to figure out just what are we doing here ?
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6. Cleaning The Yard ...

For most of us, the work starts at home - weeding, mowing the lawn ... or replacing with more natural vegetation that requires less water ? ... getting rid of credit cards, eliminating debt ...

Find a good quality Zip-Loc bag, fill it one-third with water. Put your credit card in the bag. Put the bag in the freezer.

Consider it "frozen assets" ... there if you need it in case of emergency, but not so easy to use as to continue those ridiculous interest payments, eh ?

When I do have another credit card, it will be for convenience only - balance to be paid monthly, no interest accruing on debt.

Are you forming a picture of your future ? What is your plan ? A year from now ? Five years ... ?

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7. Payback

I remember the conversation I had with Anna when she joined growcash. Her only pause in deciding to join was in that she would need to introduce growcash to others ...

To my mind, it is not helpful for us to invite anyone to join us without having first formed a relationship with the other person. Someone you know knows you, and you know enough about the other person to know whether, and how, that person might benefit from what we are doing. We do not recruit. We do not go out for mass signups ... does not benefit you or any of us in the long run.

I still maintain that everyone knows at least three people who can use a bit of help, in some way. Does not mean the other person has to be in some sort of crisis. You might hear a friend speak of a dream they have of doing something to benefit someone else, benefit community ... but, even though your friend is doing fine personally, he or she cannot quite see how to get beyond limits of personal finances to turn their dream into reality. You can.

You just have to think a while how to present what you have to offer - multiple incomes for your friend, to help whatever is their need, or dream, or desire ...

Until next time, work on learning to think Big Enough ... and be well

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