Monday, August 01, 2005

anyone may apply ...

We believe the Internet can be used as a tool to help anyone, anywhere get out of debt, stay out of debt, build an alternative income, "dust off" old dreams, and begin to live a more fulfilling life.

What we offer is a plan - more of a movement than a program or company. Something simple enough to work for those not connected to Internet - a passive income source. Does not consume time, requires no computer skills, and best of all is free to start.

We believe most current "Internet opportunity" is designed to remove funds from those it claims to help. We turn the tables, providing income before "outgo." There is a great need in some sections of our society for alternate income.

Coming soon: We are developing a simple website through which anyone is welcome to register in our plan. Once registered, members are free to continue whatever activities they choose, online or off. Membership in our plan will not interfere.

The only attrition we foresee is when a member passes on. Once we set up income streams for our members, it is unlikely they will "unplug" from receiving their income. Memberships are transferrable, within limits of member's local laws which may apply.

Currently, we are accepting applications for membership: Full legal name and e-mail address. Please specify whether application is for personal use or someone you want to sponsor. Yes, you may do both.


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