Monday, July 11, 2005

a better world ...

On the subject of television ...

Our society seems so big on talk. We talk endlessly or, in reality ... most of us sit and watch and listen to talking heads on television.

What is accomplished by all the talk, all the analysis and commentary ?
What is produced ? How are lives changed ?
Does any of it provide employment, or food to eat ?
... housing for homeless, safety from abuse ?

Aside from money changing hands in the form of a cable bill, what changes as I can see is that television viewers, listeners to radio in the same way, are given an illusion of having done something, "treated" a subject whatever it was, by devoting an odd hour listening to "supposed" experts talk about it.

When the hour is up, nothing has changed. Rarely do we, as "consumers" of television or other media, come away educated - knowing more than we did previously. Only if one is moved to action as result of all that talk does anything change.

What is needed to create a better world ?
- Basic needs met (food, water, shelter, security)
- Freedom from fear - including fear of freedom.
( responsibility for one's own life is scary )
- Access to opportunity and information
- Basic education to understand how to take
advantage of opportunity and use information

Thank you, Karen, for saying something of value.


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