Sunday, July 10, 2005

one a day ...

A friend who is not much supportive of what I do, good friend nonetheless, told me he would rather give to his favourite charity than participate with us ...

Good for him, and I hope he will exercise self-control and leave it to others to comment on this post.

The thing is, there are many fine charities out there, some of which I am happy to support. You and I are not always able to give as much as we would like, and do not always agree with some of the big money movements out there - direction, philosophy, etc.

I am well aware those who are in desperate need in this world are not likely to be online with us, and are being served by quality people who are "down in the trenches" working side by side with them every day ... but so much more can be done.

Whether one argues the Internet is an alternative economy, or just a tool to create an alternate economy - the point is missed.

This environment is means to transfer wealth from haves to have-nots - simply, legitimately, cleanly. Most people would contribute more to charities, if only they could stretch a budget that far ... well, why not make it so ?

Just a tiny bit of imagination is all it takes. There are thousands of seemingly small things each of us can do of a day that will make a big difference later.

Help yourself, help your neighbor, help your community - each step allows you to do more, and with each step you grow. Takes away nothing from you.

Do you spend even a few minutes each day thinking what you can do ? Yes, this is a call to action. Are you listening ?


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