Friday, July 08, 2005

it's a blast ...

I believe it to be in the best interest of our group now to open this blog to the public. Further group updates will be made available to members only at another private location.

There is a place for you to comment on anything as you like here;
however, with some controls.

For instance, I will not entertain MLM bashing or controversy of a general nature. If you have something specific to share, perhaps in such category as:

" I screwed up. This was the mistake I made ... "
" Business ___ should be avoided because ... "

Provide us verifiable details - not hearsay or general rant ... and we will consider following up on what you have to say.

If you do not know difference between fact and hearsay, example.

Fact: There was short selling of British Pound six hours prior
to yesterday's bombing.

Hearsay: "Netanyahu received warning "not to come down" ..."


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