Friday, July 01, 2005

new page ...

Today represents a crossroads of sorts, or a fork in the road ? Our new website is under development, and there is much to consider. This morning I found that one of the exchange services I use for advertising has, as my main page to promote their service, a page which advertises primarily a program I do not wish to support.

Our new site will provide three main areas for you:
1. Our core programs
2. Programs we recommend and support
3. Programs our members wish to support

That third group will have to meet certain qualifications; ie. if the company allows affiliates to use objectionable marketing practices, we will not recommend the company, even if it is sound, but we will allow a member to build a line in it, as long as our member meets group requirements:
No SPAM, no misleading headlines, no outrageous promises.

growcash boards will remain pretty much as is, except for changes recommended by our members. No longer will I post group updates in this blog. Another facility will be put in place for new members to catch up on back issues, and for current members as well : )

Note: There is a place to comment on any post in this blog. You are invited to comment, to correct me, clarify for others, add something you feel I have missed. Help yourself, help your group.


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