Saturday, July 09, 2005

tide comes in, tide goes out ...

It is happening again this weekend. 200,000 people worked hard to build an online community are being displaced - owner closing the business.

Only reason I know is that he told me how I could help ... by sending $100 for the new business he is forming.

Not once did he mention how members of the old group will be taken care of - his focus only on selling the new biz.

How will the online community benefit having $20 million drained away from it ? $100 x 200,000 - you can do the math ... not that all 200,000 are going to join the new biz, pay the $100

I wonder how many will ? Has this man not made enough from the business he is closing to take care of himself and his family for the rest of their lives ? If not, I wonder why ...

His math is faulty as he explains what is an advertising co-op, unless he himself does not understand how one works ...

The $100 x however many will join the new biz - $50 for each additional unit ... all goes to advertising, he says, to drive "waves" of traffic to new sites. That money leaves the online community and goes to benefit a television advertising community.

They need to eat too.

How realistic is it that someone content to sit and watch TV is going to help you or me to help others to get out of debt, avoid poverty, build a strong personal financial plan ? Would require "waves" of traffic just to find someone serious.

Is it faulty thinking to assume $100 shares in an advertising co-op to target such an audience is going to help anyone else earn income ?


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