Friday, July 15, 2005

presenting our project ...


In response to your July 13 "Special Request For Help" I am sending this cc also to Terry Wilbur

For some time I have devoted my energies to a project for which some regard me as a whacko and, for understandable reasons, some folks will not be involved.

Yet the project is quite as much to benefit someone like Susan and Rachel - to permanently change their situation, not just drum up some donations and short-term "assistance" for them, which is too soon used up. My project is designed to benefit anyone, anywhere.

Necessarily I have had to consider the downside of possible denial of benefits to persons such as Susan and Rachel if somehow they should find themselves with sustaining income, so helping them might require someone to sponsor them - set up a trust or whatever is necessary to their individual case.

Because there is an element of MLM in our mix of strategies, it is necessary for us to continually find new people to join our group. While that may seem a big challenge to some, the fact is there are so many people out there like Susan and Rachel who could really use the long-term help we can provide.

Beyond that, there are many ordinary folks who could use additional income, others who would give more to charities if they could stretch their budget, parents struggling to provide a child's continuing education - so many reasons why anyone would find our project of personal value.

My real challenge right now is in learning how to present this project to others so they may see, hopefully, the value that we can, each of us, extend to those in real need out there - people exactly like Susan and Rachel.

The easy part is that it costs nothing to join us.

If you would like to know more, or to find out how you might help us improve this project, please contact me.


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