Wednesday, July 13, 2005

to spam or not to spam

Yes, Lucena, so you are [a real person she said] - thank you ... and please understand in no way do I mean to seem unkind in what I am about to say ...

... but before you contacted me, I knew you not at all. Would not mind the contact were you to want to know something about me or my business, but instead you seem to see me only as someone from whom to make more $$

On that basis, many people consider that you have spammed me. Lucky for you, I do not agree - not exactly that is, because unlike them, I know how to make friends. That is what I do, what I teach and, therefore, the intent of my message to you.

I invite you to learn to do the same; therein lies your success. Problem is at this point, were I to invite you to join my group, how would I know I can trust you not to spam again ? Sticky problem, eh ?

You see, if you continue your current practice, it will eventually come back to bite you, undoing all your hard work, so ... what will you do ?

You did provide a good working e-mail address, something which others fail to do, making their credibility zero. Why would I want to join with them ?

James M Booth
jamonbo trading

Yes, that is an actual e-mail I sent this morning. Hope this provides you a good lesson about making new friends, new relationships ... will let you know how Lucena responds.


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