Wednesday, July 05, 2006

reaching out ...

The last half of 2006 will be a transition from what I have been used to the last four years. Whether I will relocate out of Central Oregon or stay remains to be seen.

I am free to go, while others are not ...

Today I reached out through to someone not "free to go" and in that way I hope I will be helping someone to prosper.

By contributing the last $100 needed, I hope Abraham will be enabled to help others in his community have shoes they need, and that his four children will have enough to eat.

As I receive updates from kiva I will share them here.

Location: Mbale, Uganda
Activity: Retail
Loan Amount: $1000.00
Loan Use: Buying leather materials.
Loan Repayment Term Range: 6-13 months
Start Date: Aug 07, 2006
Status: loan has been raised
Partner Rep: Kevin Abago, Abbo Yedidah
Partner: Women Initiative to Eradicate Poverty

Abraham is a married man with four (4) Children. He started as ripes hawker, after, became a shoe hawker, now he has got a stall at the market, where by he got a loan of $200 from WITEP at first, next got a loan of $300. Uganda is among the third world country with poorest of the poor people.

It is very difficult for these poor people to go out to buy expensive shoes from the shoe dealers.

For this reason, this business stands a very high opportunity to sell cheap shoes to the people of the community. He has customers all around him who wants to be different by wearing shoes.

He is capable to increase his stock to meet the high demand of shoes in the community.

He has been faithful in paying back. When given a loan of $1000 it will help him have a large stock and generate enough money as well to improve the standard of living.



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