Tuesday, May 23, 2006

the coming war ...

Charis Johnson is hard at work, way behind the curve still ...

CJ means well, and I do not mean to slight her in any way.

If you have not kept up with Ms. Johnson since her run-in with the SEC, you might want to visit her blog and new site ...


- http://iiii.eponym.com/blog/_archives/2006/5/21/1974662.html

Once you have read what is there as of today's date, you will not be surprised to see a reactionary shockwave run through the entire autosurf industry - terms changing, new "disclaimers" and advisories ... a general melee all around.

The SEC would very much like to extend its heavy hand as far as possible to prevent "financial anarchy" in America. Put another way, the government some of us have grown to love so dearly over so many years would dearly love to keep us dumb and poor. In other words, we are not supposed to know there is any other way of doing business than what is sanctioned by U.S. government, which allows us to make a certain amount only ( and no more than that legally ), in order for the banking system some of us have grown to love so dearly over so many years can make 10 times as much or more ( legally ) so there will be no bank failure.

Now if you really think about that you will realize that I am not anti-American or anti-government ... but as most anyone who is able to think something through to some degree, that does not mean I agree with everything Americans are or do or say these days, nor with everything the government might do, or wish me to do. Truth of the matter is that for what I know, I am having a very hard time deciding whether to stay in the U.S. - again, NOT because I am anti-US, but because I am aware the COST of staying here is unecessarily HIGH.

The main problem with "sound banking" for most of us is accumulation of wealth among the few, while the many are left to scrabble - which is what dependably drives our overall economy after all. Not to say there is no better way of doing business though, is it ?

The real difficulty is that such a scenario assumes we are rather stupid self-flagellants - a not unreasonable argument as long as benefits provided us as American citizens are relatively equal to our cost of purchasing those benefits ... but more and more, our reasons for needing some of those benefits are less and less ...

In a sense, it could be said the actions of agencies such as SEC cause the very "financial desperation" which makes promises of "unrealistic returns" so appealing.

CJ is fighting to save herself, and who can argue against that. She started out knowing not enough, and hardly has had opportunity to catch up since. Instead, she must "set an example" for others as penance. Still would like to have a face-to-face sitdown talk with her ...

... because there is much more happening here. Any website or program owner who wants to avoid SEC intrusion will most likely follow the "guidelines" CJ posted to her sites today, but that is the easy part. Those owners know that heaviest concentration of money to keep their sites going is from the U.S. market. Most non-US Internet operators would not be in business long on the Internet if they depended solely on what they could collect in membership fees, advertising profits and other monetary input from their own country by itself. Without U.S. input, most of them cannot profit.

Some autosurfs will simply close. Others will "run the risk" and maybe pay a price (maybe not), for which a lot of innocent people will lose, and for which ultimately SEC and the like will have more ammunitiion to back up their case. Scams will continue, and probably to increase.

Some honest program owners will do a very smart thing: They will "close" their membership from U.S. participation. There are plenty of folks outside the U.S. who can benefit from a successful autosurf not subject to SEC regulation. Any autosurf positioning itself properly will do very well helping to redistribute wealth in an innovative way. Although that process will be somewhat slowed without so many American dollars flowing in, that "obstacle" may serve as improvement to such programs - keeping overall growth more manageable.

Do not be deceived, however, to think that because honest programs close to Americans that Americans will not find ways to participate. What you are seeing is one of the opening battles of a "war" in which big governments are already reacting to loss of power to dominate; in which cost of extorting their own citizens through taxation will increase as revenues decrease. In turn, services provided by government will become more efficiently delivered or disappear. As big government withers, it is less able to extort (demand taxes in greater proportion than services provided in return). Sovereignty will become commercialized as individual humans "vote with their feet" realizing they can find "protection" from another provider for less cost, for which governments will have to become more efficient facing competition for revenue.

In the short term, there will be increased pain for all. Rather than serving interests of American "consumers" at it was intended to do, SEC "heavy-handedness" either forestalls the inevitable, or brings it on faster. Desperation has a certain smell to it - moreso as it becomes fear. The major difference between the industrial age we are now "living out of" and the Information Age we are already part of, is that until a few years ago, a back was more valuable than a brain. Anyone could operate a "dumb" machine with no more than a couple hours "orientation" - hardly a "skilled" position, though often thought of as such ( encouraged by union leaders ).

Now, what you know makes all the difference. Anyone in any country who KNOWS how can DO with no regard for physical location; ie. they do not have to live within driving distance of the "factory" because they can be, or already are, connected via Internet. Which means if that person can do the job for less, that person gets the job. Hope that helps you understand "outsourcing" ... : )

Unfortunately, I will likely have more to say about all this ...


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