Sunday, March 26, 2006

who'd she think she was messin' with ... ?

could happen to me I s'pose ...

No one reads this blog anyway ... do they ?

During time I have recorded nonsense here, two have sent me an e-mail to comment - a positive response.

Thank you Dan and Bob

I know a few friends visit now and then ...

There is another blog you can find on the list at which I have made reference to as an excellent investigative source, but I will not name it just now because ...

Seems someone who knows English as a third or fourth language decided to send out a bulk mailing containing his blogspot URL as if it were some rank HYIP she was promoting ... which coincided with his blog appearing on at least one PTS site that same morning - something of which he was unaware until I told him.

What the spammer WAS unaware of is that she messed with the absolute WRONG guy. Anyone with a First Grade education could recognize that if he can post background details of a list of Ponzis and other ripoffs, explaining in detail how and why they are scams, where they are located, who is running them, not to mention his abilities at literary forensics with which he is able to support valid arguments linking current scams and those which have already relieved some of us of too many dollars ...

... but, Ooooh ! I bet she is aware now !


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