Saturday, March 04, 2006

theoretically speaking ...

Let us theorize that I was an attorney, and the firm I worked for had requested my departure. Why ... ?

Well, because as an enterpriseing young lawyer, I had assisted my law partners in solving a problem - purchasing a piece of real estate.

Specifically, the building their practice was in.

Some time later, one of the other partners discovered the approach I used to raise money to purchase the building was not only highly unethical, but possibly very illegal ...

... and every partner's name was already on the documents. Messy situation ... but, everyone would keep their mouth shut, if I would just go away.

Now, let us say the old law firm had removed all indications I worked there.

Let us say that the building the law firm occupies now happenes to be owned by a real esate company.

Oddly, the initials of the RE company are almost identical to that of the law firm, except the real estate company has an extra letter at the end, which happens to be the first letter of my last name ...

The RE company does not seem to own any other property ... and the name of the RE company does not seem to appear in any state register ...

... which makes everything I have said just speculation, Your Honour.

Would you agree ? Just theory ?

My question is, would such a "theory" be sufficient motivation for an online entity to knowingly break the law if that "theory" had been discovered by someone who would "sing" about it ?


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