Friday, February 17, 2006

ABC4 won't tell its audience I met with Jeff Johnson!

Interesting that ABC4 started this entire trip with Jeff Johnson under the guise of him getting answers. But last night, with Jeff Johnson nowhere in sight the entire story, they ended by saying they didn't get what THEY came for.

But what they also conveniently didn't say was that Jeff Johnson got his answers. But they will never say that because it doesn't fit into their manipulated and revisionist version of history.

I want to inform everyone that I spoke with Jeff Johnson in person yesterday evening at my office WITHOUT ABC4.

It was the first time he had been to my office and was never there with ABC4 as they made it appear on the the news report.

Mr. Johnson also never came to my old apartment.

I also learned from Mr. Johnson that in an interview with them yesterday he told them repeatedly about his negative opinion of StormPay but that the edited out all of the audio and only showed his picture. They had no interest in anything negative he had to say about StormPay. They were only interested in manipulating the broadcast.

Mr. Johnson also broke company with the newscrew yesterday when they set out on a quest to ignore my attorney as contact and hunt me down like a dog at places where they already knew I wouldn't be because I had told them so.

Mr. Johnson and I had a long conversation in my office and I answered every question he had to ask. I believe Mr. Johnson now has a very clear picture of the reality of this situation.

I understand now that Mr. Johnson has been trying all along to help us and to have the truth be told about us, but ABC4 continued to use and manipulate him in order to get sensationalistic footage that will get them ratings.

But now that Mr. Johnson spoke with me, they refuse to tell their audience. They'd rather show my house and talk to ancient neighbors instead of showing that I cared enough to sit down one on one with Jeff.

That's real responsible journalism.


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