Wednesday, February 08, 2006

to file complaint against StormPay ...

To contact the Tenn-Tucky Branch of Middle Tennessee Better Business Bureau:

Tenn-Tucky Branch
214 Main Street
P.O. Box 1456
Clarksville, TN 37041
Phone (931) 503-2222
Fax (931) 503-2324
Found here:

Middle Tennessee Better Business Bureau website is:
... but do not waste your time trying to file a complaint there - not against StormPay anyway.
StormPay does not even show up in the Middle Tennessee Database Search
... which is interesting because ...

"The Better Business Bureau of Middle Tennessee alerts the public to the business practices of of Clarksville, Tennessee. During the first six weeks of 2006, has generated more complaints to BBB than any other Middle Tennessee or Southern Kentucky business.

In the past seven days, BBB has received 18,926 inquiries from consumers around the world checking on the reliability of

Complaints filed by consumers from around the world state that has frozen their online accounts and will not release funds due. is an online payment processor which acts as an intermediary in the processing of funds between a web site and a customer. .Since the end of January, BBB has received over 180 complaints from users of says BBB President/CEO, Kathleen Calligan. .A review of complaints filed by users indicate that the company is holding in excess of $460,000. explains Calligan.

An email sent to at least one complaintant by StormPay, states in part ..should you choose to attempt to recover your funds through other means, that conduct will result in the forfeiture of any refund..

The majority of complaints filed with BBB, concern StormPay.s freezing of accounts from users who participate in .auto-surfing. programs. An .auto-surfing. program reportedly generates money to the user every time a user visits a participating web site.

It is the position of the Better Business Bureau that auto surfing programs can post [sic] a financial risk to participants. Often .auto-surfing. programs are thinly veiled pyramid schemes cleverly devised to participants.

Due to the complaint volume, international scope of participants and amount of money involved, BBB is requesting the assistance of federal authorities for further investigation."

Editor's Note: The inclusion of a line warning that "auto surfing programs" can pose financial risk to participants is made in good faith by BBB, I am sure, even though BBB does not likely understand the difference between legal "auto surfing programs" and those which are not. However, that line has a chilling effect on the general population, thus limiting the nuber of complaints which will be filed against StormPay. A significant portion of the PTS industry membership is comprised of people who do not report their income. Filing a complaint would only draw attention to them personally.

Do not expect anyone to answer the phone at StormPay if you call ... : )

StormPay contact info:
StormPay, Inc.
1690 Golf Club Ln
Clarksville, TN 37043 USA


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