Wednesday, February 15, 2006

show us the money Mr. Girsky ...

We have seen pictures of the remodelling of StormPay offices in
Clarksville, Tennessee ...
... and we know that Steve Girsky and John McConnell are helping their
community as primary sponsors of the new Clarksville Speedway ...
( is offline right now )
... and those are good things - I applaud them. The Clarksville economy needs to grow as anywhere and I have no objection to that.

The renamed Clarksville Speedway is "a clay-oval dirt track on Needmore Road" according to William Scogins, who shares ownership of the speedway with his wife Tammy Scogins.

"’s interest in auto racing was initiated after it was approached by a Nextel Cup team looking for sponsorship. Girsky met with Purvis, who spent nearly 20 years racing on the ARCA, NASCAR Busch and then-Winston Cup series, to learn what would be involved in sponsorship. "
While all that has been developing, a friend of mine has been on a mission. My friend is a young lady who lives outside the United States, and some of you will know of whom I speak here. When I met her almost two years ago she had her plan firm in her mind, and she had an old computer borrowed from her brother, and sheer determination.

Since then, my friend received a number of gifts, mine included, and some loans, most of which she has paid back. Her mission is to build a new house for her mother, whose current home is in very bad condition, and will not withstand a hurricane when one next comes to their island.

By the end of January this year, my friend's earnings from PTS were paid into StormPay when StormPay demanded that PTS services using StormPay drop all other payment processors if they would continue doing business with StormPay. Since a majority of members in some PTS were paying with StormPay, those autosurf sites complied with StormPay's demands.

Within a week, Mssrs Girsky and McConnell decided that ALL PTS were Ponzis, and they froze all the PTS accounts associated with StormPay. For about a week not much happened, and then began to show all its account holders a zero balance, leaving everyone wondering where the money went ...

My StormPay account had received about $146 a week previously. StormPay sent the $81.47 remainder from that back to 12DP, leaving my account balance at $0

Not a big loss for me - not monetarily anyway ...

My losses are in the extreme amount of time I have had to devote to the StormPay fiasco during the last two weeks.

For my young friend it is a different matter entirely. She had received four payments from two PTS in the two weeks prior to StormPay's "storm" - a total of $11,127.10 from which StormPay deducted $543.92 in fees, leaving my friend $10,583.18 in her StormPay account.

Following advice, and following her own heart, she decided to use a portion of that to continue earning with the two PTS, including the very legal 12DailyPro which is registered in the State of North Carolina, so she upgraded a total of $ 3,622.00 to continue earning.

She wanted to withdraw a portion of her earnings also, and requested that StormPay issue her a check for $ 4,112.39

What happened next is stunning. StormPay worked through all of its member accounts and sent PTS earnings back the the PTS service that paid them. In my friend's case, the amount that shows as "chargeback" include three payments, totalling $ 4,112.39

That is why StormPay told my friend that the check she had requested was cancelled.

Now my friend has $ 3,622.00 on deposit with two PTS, neither of which can access its own StormPay account, because StormPay has those accounts frozen while purportedly there is an investigation under way to determine the legality of the owner's businesses, although we have no evidence of such an investigation.

For those reasons, that $ 3,622.00 is not earning any new $$ since neither PTS can run without access to its funds.

The $ 4,112.39 she had requested to withdraw is also tied up in those two PTS accounts because StormPay sent that $$ back to the payers - but remember, those payers cannot access those funds right now.

My friend's StormPay account, like mine, now shows a ZERO balance ...

Now you being the sharp reader will ask:
So where is the other $ 2,849.79 ... ?

That is the question I am asking, having reviewed her account today and seeing gross receipts, after StormPay fees, of $10,583.18 from which she sent $ 3,622.00 back to PTS to continue earning and StormPay sent $ 4,112.39 back to those same services for reasons of their own, the other $ 2,849.79 is nowhere to be seen - no explanation for its disappearance.

It is time to show us the money Mr. Girsky.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He took more from me than any amount of money could replace. I'm willing to help those who help me. sucks when your skeletons start falling out. and come to haunt...

8:33 PM  

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