Thursday, March 02, 2006 on credibility ...

Today I remembered I still had a NetIBA banner on one of my sites, and I immediately removed it.

Rather than duplicate excellent work already done by John McCallum at, I will quote from his site here:

" Is NetIBA really what it is cracked up to be, or is it a SCAM ???

When NetIBA first came on the market, I was of the firm opinion that here was a program which offered the consumer the protection they were so desperately seeking. I therefore joined the program and acquired a verified email address, I was also given a link to add a signature to my e-mail account. Here is a copy, for obvious reasons I have deleted my email address:

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is a NetIBA validated email address. Certificate #568539E. Protect yourself against Internet fraud by downloading the FREE Consumer Protection Tool at

Having received this signature I then contacted NetIBA to ask some questions as I could not find the answers on their web site.

I asked, in the event of a verified NetIBA Auto Surf web site obtaining monies by deception, would NetIBA assist NetIBA members who had become victims of a SCAM or FRAUD, and would NetIBA bring pressure to bear on Processors to help stop the fraudulent activities of the few.

NetIBA still has not answered my letters. In desperation I also posted a similar worded question on the NetIBA forum, to which I received no response. I will now outline why I believe “NetIBA is not what it is cracked up to be”.

As NetIBA has seen fit to ignore me as a member, I feel it is right to expose NetIBA for what I believe they are.

I have one web site and two e-mail addresses which are NetIBA certified. (I will NOT be renewing my membership with NetIBA, until NetIBA answer the questions I have asked. If and when NetIBA responds to the questions asked, will most assuredly publish their reply) The only advantage that I see being a NetIBA subscriber is, I would be able to obtain a debit card from Stormpay as it is the requirements of Stormpay to be NetIBA certified, and receive the reduced fees that Sormpay have just introduced.

NetIBA advertised in the very beginning that they were strongly committed to stopping FRAUD. Well, words are cheap, actions determine credibility."

Please visit:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay away from because the owner is nothing more than a scammer who is in truth the one hiding behind multiple identies and promoting the same scam programs from the same scammer admins.

John McCallum, the supposed owner of Fairpatton has blackmailed other surf owners into joining the programs he is promoting in order for him to not blackball their sites.

Do your research, go to any of the major forums and see wht you find out about Fairpatton.

4:02 PM  

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