Saturday, February 18, 2006

Prepare to Unlock Reality

What is the "Unlock Reality" about?

Here is some information about the manuscript "Unlock Reality":

Point One:
Unlock Reality is a book in manuscript form that is just over 100 pages long.

Point Two:
It does not have an author listed though it is widely rumored that five main people are involved with its production. Two are reported to be monks of some sort, one a Meta physics professor working in a British University and two other gifted people with no specific qualifications.

Point Three:
Unlock Reality has been briefly descried as ‘one of the most unusual publications on the planet, with the potential to produce a shift in perception that could change the course of history and guarantee the survival of the human race. It explains the Construction of the Universe in simple terms that anyone can understand.

Point Four:
It is being prepared for world release by a group called I.S.D.T. and there is also a group trying to prevent it getting out who go by the name of The Brotherhood of the Eternal Light.

Point Five:
Those preparing it for world release have been affected
strangely, and been inspired to follow childhood dreams (please see the bookseller article). These include going to the Himalayas, taking up skydiving and starting websites.

Point Six:
All those concerned with proof reading and the production have had to sign confidentiality contracts. Which has resulted in there being no quotes appearing

Point Seven:
50 copies were released via and it now has it's own email address

Point Eight:
Many people are involved in an international treasure hunt for the 50 copies. Including those on the Prepare to Unlock Reality care2 website who would like as much help as possible in finding copies, which they will auction of for charity.

If you have a copy they can have, their contact is

Point Nine:
There is a project to place copies permanently in key locations around the world, including the Grand Canyon, and Tower Bridge. (There is meant to be a copy being held by Tibetan Monks for safekeeping).

Point Ten:
There is quite a storm over whether or not Unlock Reality is real or not; ironic for something that has sparked much debate over the nature of reality.

Please join our group!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

UR is great!

9:34 AM  

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