Tuesday, June 27, 2006

death throes of a payment processor ...

StormPay sent an interesting message to all members today:

StormPay announces no registration necessary!
June 27, 2006

" Sellers - no longer do your customers need to register for a StormPay account to purchase your product! Now your buyers can click your “Buy Now” button, fill in their information, and submit their payment to you!

You asked for this feature, we listened, you got it!!

No more frustrating registration for buyers...

No more waiting to validate account info…

No more missing spontaneous purchases..

This new feature should easily allow you to convert shoppers into buyers! Because this new feature allows your customers to make purchases without registering, all payments received by you, from a NON registered StormPay account holder, will go to a “Pending” status. Payments will remain pending for a period of 7 days at which time payments received will convert to a “Complete” status. Once the payment status is “Complete”, you may withdraw or send funds as normal. Payments received by you from senders who ARE registered account holders instantly go to a completed status.

Special note: All customers wishing to use StormPay Auctions, StormClix, or register a subscription will be required to register a FREE StormPay.com account. "


Now why would I be so desperate to wait 7 days to be paid by a customer who is most likely one of the many thousands who was ripped off by SP in February of this year, and therefore will not trust SP enough to register ...

There are plenty of other processors I can use to be paid "instantly"

... and then again, why would I "value" my own business so highly as to have a StormPay button anywhere on the site anyway ? If potential customers think anything like I do, I would just be driving them away.

I predict StormPay will finally close up shop before September, 2006.

What do you think ... ?


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