Wednesday, June 28, 2006

... and more about click fraud ...

Is Click Fraud A Big Deal?
by: TheLilCrusader

You've probably seen a lot of PTR sites spring up over the last several months that pretty much offer nothing but search ads. Maybe you've joined some because of their high link values and fast payouts. If you've done enough searches at any one program, you may find yourself in the position of receiving up to 50 of these emails per day from that one program....Wow - kewl beanz, right? Wrong.

Sure, you're earning money quickly and likely receiving it quickly too - but is that all that matters - I mean really matters? Does it bother you that the only reason you've gotten these extra emails is because you've shown the PO of that program that you're more than willing to commit click fraud?

I know, I're thinking, "I didn't do anything wrong" and on the surface maybe it seems that way. But the reality is, every time you click a keyword on a search portal page and then go to a website based on that keyword, just to keep your number of valids up so the big number of daily emails will continue and the pennies will keep rolling in, you're stealing from someone else. Did you know that?

Admit it - nobody really has to search for anything hundreds of times a day so you usually just pick a keyword - right? Where do you think the list you get from picking that keyword came from? That list of sites is only there because somebody paid to be listed. And the reason they did that is in hopes of generating traffic to their website - traffic that might result in a sale, which would help offset the cost of being listed on that search engine and maybe give them a profit. Those businesses didn't pay to be there to help you earn a penny....they paid to be there to earn money for themselves - that's called business!

So every time you click a keyword and go to a website because you've been told that's what you need to do to earn your penny, without having any actual interest in the site at all - you're stealing from the person who paid for that listing to be there because you've become "bad traffic" - something the advertiser did NOT pay for.

That, my friend, is click fraud and yes, it is a very BIG deal...maybe not to you or to the owner of the program, but that doesn't matter. The most important person in this equation is the SE advertiser and they don't appreciate having their advertising dollars stolen by you in exchange for a penny. When an advertiser realizes his money is being thrown away, he's not going to keep advertising with that SE, and if this happens enough times to enough businesses, eventually the SE will have nothing left.

Yes, click fraud is a very big deal, and if you're part of it, it's time to stop.
TheLilCrusader's recommended site:


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