Sunday, January 28, 2007 - Spread The Word ...

Good Morning All

A good friend last night sent me the link to the following site and I have just begun to study it.

I admit I was not previously familiar with the name Fred Burks, and I am more cautious of anyone who has been close to any administration, but I think the quality and content of WantToKnow speaks for itself.

Enjoy ... and let me know what you think !

For those who want to know what goes on behind the scenes in national and global politics, this is essential reading. These articles come from a comprehensive database of nearly 1,000 highly revealing news articles arranged by category. To access the entire, empowering database, click here.

The database also includes a number of inspiring articles to balance all of the secrecy and darkness. By educating ourselves and spreading the news
- friends, colleagues, and to our media and political representatives, we can and will build a brighter future:

With very best wishes to all,
Fred Burks for PEERS:

and the Team:

Fred Burks is former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton



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