Friday, December 22, 2006

in language of the past ...

Yesterday's entry brought a "hit and run" comment by "anonymous" ...

Wants stock tips, which I would not give even if I was licensed to do so.

Asked me to "Name one country that hasn't been saddled with a "boom and bust" economy in the last 1000 or so years."

Fair question, assuming "boom and bust" is a natural element of economies.

I think it fair to say that any economy will eventually "bust" ... but I think it also fair to say that any well-planned economy might "boom" for a long period ...

Certainly much longer than the cycles we have lived through in the U.S. during the Twentieth Century.

In saying "America was saddled with "boom and bust" cycles we have all lived through in recent decades" I was of course referring to the manipulation of our economy which has resulted from imposition of the Federal Reserve System - which has nothing to do with federal government.

The Great Depression did not have to be as severe as it was, and could have largely been prevented if it had not been for political motivations.

The United States has had ample opportunity to avoid the coming crash also, but until either the U.S. government regains control of its money supply, or a new government replaces the current one, we will continue to have the sort of "boom and bust" cycles which are unlike anything in previous world history.

Reality is that we can each work to create an alternate economy, or more than one, to help offset the uncontrollable cycles of the larger economy we are subject to.

That is what I intend to explore here - doomsday or no doomsday.

There will be survivors, anonymous, and there is no time like the present to decide how you will live in the future.

I have no difficulty envisioning the future - I just find it awkward to describe future except in language of the past ...


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