Thursday, December 21, 2006

where do we go from here ... ?

I am chided for my absence from these pages, for which I offer simple apology.

My time lately has been spent more toward learning than talking.

One of the biggest challenges for me right now is presenting good news ...

My work currently involves the application of my brain to social and long-term challenges, whereas in the past my work has been more application of muscle to immediate, short-term problems, such as putting food on the family table.

For most who will read this, I suppose the latter consumes your energies.

I applaud your efforts and pray wholeheartedly for your success.

My desire is to support that success any way I can.

Wherever you are located, you are now part of a global economy.

Daily you are offered statistics supporting a position that everything is fine
- is it ?

Most of us do not have the time, patience, or sometimes even the talent, to dispute "everything is fine" reports - most often such reports tell us what we want to hear, and we continue our workday ... not completely reassured.

Knowing the true situation is a burden which personally makes me want to scream warnings.

Such information is not easily communicated because it is simply more than the average working person can deal with.

Warnings cause panic, panic leads to charges of irresponsible behaviour, credibility is lost, the bearer of warnings is ignored.

Just an hour ago I was shown a short video - a composite from two cameras set to watch a railroad crossing.

A semi truck in slow traffic crossing the tracks came to a full stop as the crossing gate closed behind the trailer, which was still on the tracks - its rear wheels on the other side of the tracks from the cab.

An Amtrak train, whistle blowing, unable to stop or even slow enough to avoid collision, obliterated the truck's trailer, leaving the driver uninjured in the cab disconnected from the burning wreckage.

The truck driver later said she never heard or saw the train coming.

I can see and hear the train and I want to scream out to you, the driver, to get out of the way, but even if you heard me, you could only save yourself - too late to save your "truck" ... and it would be unfair to fault you for the immediate concerns with which your mind was occupied while the train was approaching.

Most of us are unaware of the enourmity of the economic trainwreck that is waiting to happen to us - something which most nations dependent on dominance of the American dollar are working hard to delay, because there is no one in the world that will not be affected in some way.

Most of us are right now unaware that certain governments we are led to believe are our enemies, who could easily hasten U.S. economic collapse, are in fact working to delay that collapse.

Notice I said delay, because decrease in value of the dollar cannot be prevented - its current level is artificial while U.S. money supply reporting has been suspended since March, 2006, to hide the true level of decline.

The best anyone can hope for right now is that the dollar's decline will be gradual so that everyone can adjust without panic anywhere.

Economies have been manipulated since long before America was saddled with "boom and bust" cycles we have all lived through in recent decades, but our U.S. economy seems particularly poorly managed by people whose arrogance seems only to grow and conditions worsen; witness increase of reckless spending as national debt grows beyond what can ever be repaid.

My dilemma is in knowing there are things we can do
- at least to ease the pain, even if there are no broad solutions ...

... just one voice looking for a community to bridge the economic divide.

Interested ?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there oh wise seer of Christmas future. Why don't you look into that crystal ball of yours and give me some hot stock tips.
Name one country that hasn't been saddled with a "boom and bust" economy in the last 1000 or so years. It's the nature of the beast.
I gotta say, if your applying your brain to social and long-term challenges, may God help us all.
Can you say "Doomsday"?

2:13 PM  

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