Wednesday, December 20, 2006

we make our own reality ...

August 25 I checked the settings for this blog, which had been blocking comments.

Comments, feedback, discussion, and other interaction, are what this blog is about, and there seems precious little of any.

Having said that, another "anonymous" has just deposited an advertisement as a comment to that post.

Such activity is antithetical to what we are about, yet I am thinking to leave that ad, and a previous "comment" (also an ad) in place, as examples of what not to do - if that even makes any sense ?

"We make our own reality" is a truism, the same for "anonymous" as for you and for me.

I vowed ages ago never to buy anything from anyone who spams me.

There is a difference between posting an ad as a "comment" to a blog entry and outright spamming, but such a distinction is not great enough that I would waste my time arguing it.

If you want to sell me something, let me get to know you first.


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