Friday, January 19, 2007

Patrick "Armchair President" Fogarty for President

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Go to the Armchair President website

Patrick "Armchair President" Fogarty 2008 presidential candidate

Do you want a government that is run "By the People and For the People" like our Founding Fathers intended?

Then you need to support Patrick "Armchair President" Fogarty. I am looking for support from individual Americans, ensuring that I can make American Policy for America's interest, instead of catering to special interests and lobbyists like you get with traditional politics.

I am using the Internet and podcasting as the basis for launching a non-traditional political campaign, because it reaches out to you. I want the support of the American individual. That's how it should be and needs to be to get the government back to what our Founding Fathers designed - a government By the People and For the People.

Support Patrick "Armchair President" Fogarty for President.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, this guy is a real jackass. Listen to the web interview of him on "you are the guest." He lacks critical thinking and logic and seems like he totally lacks the ability to work with other people. If ever given power, he would have to sack Congress to accomplish his agenda. Look out! Like Hitler, this guy suffers from Peter Pan syndrome.

7:55 PM  
Blogger JamesB said...

Apparently he gave up his quest early, and I have no reason to disagree with you.

What I would say is that the present POTUS also fits your description.


9:42 PM  

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