Wednesday, January 31, 2007

how can one live without Caller ID ... ?

I keep the phone line open for emergencies - not for me (though I might need 911) but for others to contact me in a hurry.

Stonebridge Life Insurance is one of the "non-800" callers - apparently wanting to sell me cancer insurance" - most often in late morning now, no longer in evenings - an improvment, but still a nuisance since mornings are when I do my creative writing mostly.

Stonebridge calls come usually not more than once a day, and not every day - just one of about a dozen mostly "800" or 866 or 888 callers I regularly report those nuisances to ... adding to their ever growing db

My research shows that Stonebridge uses "an automatic dialer, 9 times out of 10, there is nobody there when you pick up the phone."
... in case you are receiving strange calls in which no one responds when you say Hello - that is why. The purpose of automatic dialers is to first determine at what time of day you are likely to answer the phone, then later an actual person will call you at that time.

Doubt their technology as yet determines what time of day a phone is *active* - that is, the time a person may make the most calls, even if not answering certain calls.

Talking with supervisors in these companies or in their "boiler rooms" has little effect since they are usually trained to deflect complaints; ie "it takes 30 days to be removed" (from the recall list); threatening legal action requires more money than I care to spend for whatever good it would do.

Since I have no policy with Stonebridge, there is no excuse for them to be "servicing my account" - which makes the repeated calls sheer harrassment.

I refuse to do business with any company that puts its needs ahead of its customers.


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