Wednesday, January 31, 2007

how can one live without Caller ID ... ?

I keep the phone line open for emergencies - not for me (though I might need 911) but for others to contact me in a hurry.

Stonebridge Life Insurance is one of the "non-800" callers - apparently wanting to sell me cancer insurance" - most often in late morning now, no longer in evenings - an improvment, but still a nuisance since mornings are when I do my creative writing mostly.

Stonebridge calls come usually not more than once a day, and not every day - just one of about a dozen mostly "800" or 866 or 888 callers I regularly report those nuisances to ... adding to their ever growing db

My research shows that Stonebridge uses "an automatic dialer, 9 times out of 10, there is nobody there when you pick up the phone."
... in case you are receiving strange calls in which no one responds when you say Hello - that is why. The purpose of automatic dialers is to first determine at what time of day you are likely to answer the phone, then later an actual person will call you at that time.

Doubt their technology as yet determines what time of day a phone is *active* - that is, the time a person may make the most calls, even if not answering certain calls.

Talking with supervisors in these companies or in their "boiler rooms" has little effect since they are usually trained to deflect complaints; ie "it takes 30 days to be removed" (from the recall list); threatening legal action requires more money than I care to spend for whatever good it would do.

Since I have no policy with Stonebridge, there is no excuse for them to be "servicing my account" - which makes the repeated calls sheer harrassment.

I refuse to do business with any company that puts its needs ahead of its customers.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Blue Hippo Funding ...

" BlueHippo Funding, LLC is an installment credit company for customers with poor credit that offers personal computers, flat-screen televisions, and other high-tech items, typically priced far above market standards. The company has encountered several complaints with the Better Business Bureau; as a result, the Greater Maryland Better Business Bureau issued a consumer alert against the company within eight months of its founding.

Product costs

Their main product is a personal computer system for which they charge a total of $2178.48 including interest, subject to late fees. Radio commercials state that a customer must build a "short credit history" to qualify. The payment is made through a long installment plan. Initially, customers pay a $99 down payment, followed by 13 weekly payments of $39.99. This is followed by 3 to 12 variable payments. Customers then make a final pre-shipping payment, followed by a week-long waiting period, before the system is physically shipped. Post-shipment, customers must do 52 more weekly payments (1 year - see chart below). Comparable computer systems generally cost $400 out-of-the-box.

BlueHippo changed its business practices to include a refund policy in mid-2006. Under the new policy, customers may elect to receive a full refund of the money paid during the layaway period, after paying a $175 early termination fee. The fee is disclosed and agreed to by customers at the time of their order. In order to be eligible for a refund, customers must cancel their purchase contract prior to the computer being ordered. However, the BBB reports : "In November and December 2006, however, the volume of complaints rose again and the BBB has renewed concerns about the effectiveness of the company's efforts to reduce the volume and pattern of complaints. Current complaints allege the company is slow to provide promised refunds and there continue to be delays in delivery of the merchandise." "

Monday, January 29, 2007

debt validation is your weapon ...

Are Debt Collectors pressing you for a debt which you are not aware of? Being forgetful is very common nowadays. Consumers often fail to remember debts taken long back. But it is also possible that a third party is trying to impose a false debt on you, either by mistake or intentionally. At such times you feel at a loss. Debt Validation is the weapon to fight against such odds.

Debt Validation: Debt Validation is your legal right to protect yourself from the clutches of deceitful and unethical debt collectors. This puts a check on the Debt Collectors' actions & governs them.

Debt Validation Law: The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)* 1996 amendment included Consumer Credit Protection Act to prohibit abusive practices by debt collectors. Title VIII, sec. 809 of this act gives legal recognition to Debt validation. The law states that debt Collectors are bound to issue a written notice within the first 5 days of initial communication with a consumer for debt collection, specifying the following:
  • Specific amount of debt along with the name of the Creditor.
  • A statement that unless the consumer dispute the validity of the debt within 30 days of receiving the notice, the collector will assume the debt to be valid.
  • A statement that the debt collector will obtain verification of the debt or a copy of judgment against the consumer in case of debt dispute.
  • A statement that consumer will be provided with the name and address of the original creditor, if different from the current creditor, on written request by the consumer within 30 days.
  • A statement that the communication is from a debt collector attempting to collect debt and that information obtained will not be used for any other purpose than this.
  • A proof that they are assigned to collect the debt by a creditor.
  • Detailed payment history, starting with the original creditor.
  • Copy of the original signed debt agreement or credit card application.
  • Agreement with any of your clients that grants you the authority to collect on this alleged debt.
    Restrictions on Debt Collectors: Debt Collectors are not allowed to do the following before providing with Debt Validation:
  • Collect debt
  • Contact the consumer about debt
  • Report under FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act). Violation of this can however take away $1,000 as penalty from the collector. So go ahead and exercise your rights. And pay debts only when it's yours.


Sunday, January 28, 2007 - Spread The Word ...

Good Morning All

A good friend last night sent me the link to the following site and I have just begun to study it.

I admit I was not previously familiar with the name Fred Burks, and I am more cautious of anyone who has been close to any administration, but I think the quality and content of WantToKnow speaks for itself.

Enjoy ... and let me know what you think !

For those who want to know what goes on behind the scenes in national and global politics, this is essential reading. These articles come from a comprehensive database of nearly 1,000 highly revealing news articles arranged by category. To access the entire, empowering database, click here.

The database also includes a number of inspiring articles to balance all of the secrecy and darkness. By educating ourselves and spreading the news
- friends, colleagues, and to our media and political representatives, we can and will build a brighter future:

With very best wishes to all,
Fred Burks for PEERS:

and the Team:

Fred Burks is former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton


Friday, January 19, 2007

Patrick "Armchair President" Fogarty for President

Button takes you to site:

Go to the Armchair President website

Patrick "Armchair President" Fogarty 2008 presidential candidate

Do you want a government that is run "By the People and For the People" like our Founding Fathers intended?

Then you need to support Patrick "Armchair President" Fogarty. I am looking for support from individual Americans, ensuring that I can make American Policy for America's interest, instead of catering to special interests and lobbyists like you get with traditional politics.

I am using the Internet and podcasting as the basis for launching a non-traditional political campaign, because it reaches out to you. I want the support of the American individual. That's how it should be and needs to be to get the government back to what our Founding Fathers designed - a government By the People and For the People.

Support Patrick "Armchair President" Fogarty for President.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Enormity ...

" The Fedex woman stopped by my office on Friday. She wanted to know if we were going to be open on Monday.

I explained that our hours really never make sense, but that my team and I would be thinking of Dr. King and his work all day, regardless of what we were doing.

She sighed deeply and said, "Every year, we're supposed to ask if offices are going to be open, and last year it made me so sad, I had to stop asking. I even got written up for not doing it." It turns out that most people either said, "what holiday?" or "oh, we don't celebrate that..."

I've written a lot about worldview, about the instincts and biases and outlooks that shape our lives. It's very difficult to change a worldview as a marketer... but one thing that changes a worldview, not just forever but often for generations, is a truly horrific event.

Why is it so easy and fun for a politician to make fun of French people (the French are arrogant and don't bathe was the joke on the radio on Saturday), but a non-starter to take on rape victims? There are no skits on Saturday Night Live about Darfur. Why does it make us squirm when someone misuses the idea of a lynching for their own selfish motives? If you've been misjudged and mistreated your entire life, of course it has an effect on the way you see the world.

Slavery was the greatest crime of the millenium. Why does it surprise marketers (politicians and otherwise) when so many people have a worldview that has been permanently altered by the legacy of abuse? It's a worldview that doesn't ask for charity for the individual, but one that demands respect.

The lesson of diversity is a simple one, a compelling one, one that's been demonstrated over and over again. Diverse populations solve problems better and faster than homogenous ones. But the selfish value of treating people of all backgrounds in the same way is just part of the Reverend's message. The other part, the part that's easy to forget, is that when confronted with enormity, worldviews change. And if you want to engage with someone, you have no choice but to understand that. You don't have to experience the emotion in order to be able to respect someone who has. "


Monday, January 08, 2007

Spotlight on Christina Hymes photography

The way things come together ...

We needed a better image for our yahoo! group site:

... an image representing something more positive than the "skinny piggy bank" of "economic anemia" we were using.

Rather than dwelling on a negativity "being anemic" we would all do better to focus on prosperity
- being or becoming prosperous.

I asked friend and member Christina, whose ability to capture images is unique and creative - someone whose talent I want to encourage - if she had anything appropriate for our site.

We rattled around a while, and I finally settled on the canoers because of what is represented in that image:

- exploring new challenges
- one generation teaching another
- being prepared
- teamwork
- taking risks
- managing risks
- determining direction

Another reason for changing the image on our group site was to have an actual agreement of permission to use the image.

Thank you, Christina !

She also now has her site link displayed with the image:
... where anyone can see some of her work and get in touch with her.

Chris discovered recently that images she had taken last year of actors in a local play were used by the play's producer on her myspace page :

... for a group known as:

Even without her name in the credits on that page, it is more exposure for Chris' work, which we extend further by tying it all together here.

Keep up the good work, Christina !

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

demise of the Minitels ...

France Telecom Minitel service ended on December 31, 2006
- replaced by Le Compte Achats, for companies only.

The cutoff for new Minitel registrations was May 31st, 2006.

"In 2005 there were 351 million calls for 18.5 million hours of connection, generating € 206 million of revenue, of which € 145 million are redistributed to 2000 service providers (these numbers have a loss of around 30% per year). There are now still 6 million terminals owned by France Télécom, which are left to their users in order to avoid recycling problems. The main uses were bank and finance services because of its security, and professional databases access. France Télécom put the example of the update of 12 millions of the personal vitale health care card."

Minitel, a Videotex online service accessible through the telephone lines, was introduced in:
- South Africa - 1986
- Ireland - 1992
- Canada during a brief experimental phase
- Belgium
- Germany
- United States early in 1990's in limited markets

Minitel is a redundant service for anyone connected to Internet ...
... and if one would make the leap to Minitel, why not go all the way ?