Saturday, January 03, 2009

as if I could forget 2008 really ...

The week is not over and already it is a new year.

Okay, the week is over, but I wrote that yesterday ... ?

Already it is a new year and the same week still is in progress ...

Today, three days ago is a bygone era for some folks, a time they want to forget, or bury, believe "this year" will be different

... unfolding the same buzz, same complaints, same crying, same bloody mess.

Oh, I want this year to be different too, and I can pretend same as anyone.

This year will be different too, but in how many "same old ways" will it be ?

New Year joy, I feel it too, and could I forget 2008 I would have a truly empty head for all that occured in my life during this past year - as if any of it could be forgot by changing the calendar on the wall to a new set of photos created to tag 12 months of a new year, added to my kitchen like an electric plug-in aerosol freshener.

Ya think ?

I see huge potential and opportunities in the year ahead, but ...

People who make predictions leave me cold.

So many of us are so easily, and sometimes so powerfully, suggestible, so that someone pretending to predict what will happen in the world may cause more harm than anything else, more harm than good to be sure.

I mean, if someone has true psychic ability which is not used for gain, or is able to forecast for a particular individual using the "science" of the Horoscope, that is a good thing and I am not opposed to it; but someone who broadcasts a general "impression" of some catastrophic event, causing unknown people to react in fear, or worse, seeding some warped mind with an idea he may not have come up with on his own, then irreparable damage and harm is done.

Meanwhile, our "analysts" continue to fail us, softening the needed punch with lines like, "Expect a modest recovery toward the end of the new year ..."
- like Roman Senators insisting on maintaining the pomp, post-Empire.

Forgetting the Old Year is like "forgetting" a happy relationship that failed
- to forget would seem to make it less than important, as if it did not matter at all, when had it not mattered, one would not have invested as much energy into it, eh ?

No, this year I am going to work harder at having real conversations with people.

I will work harder at being patient, which is not much of an effort for me as it is, and at same time allow less BS to intrude from without, or interfere from within.

Not starting fresh, I will continue to question whether I am one who, as John says, is "... just sounding gongs, repeating the same old dead mantra over and over," since sometimes I "sound" that way to myself.

The greatest challenge seems to be meeting, or knowing, those who "know what they know" - of which I ain't one, since the more I know, the more I am aware I do NOT know, but having reconstructed what I thought I knew, I am more sure of myself each day, less locked in than at points in my past.

Another challenge for me, almost as large, is listening to someone who does know something, but has not developed an ability to condense what he knows to a form the average person can bear, at least as a way of introducing his ideas; my ability to follow such an individual wanes and however truly interested I am in what is being said seems contradicted by my frustrated body language.

My third biggest challenge this year will be trying to move a little faster, doing things a little sooner, getting more things done, while staying "relaxed" ...

Worth a try, eh ?

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