Saturday, February 16, 2008

what is it that you actually do ... ?"

This morning a young man kindly asked me:
"What is it that you actually do ... ?"

I have always despised scripts - scripted answers or "responses" - and I believe good Customer Service requires a genuine spontaneity, a word Webster describes first as:
"the quality or state of being"

BEING - not pretending or acting - BEING

In other words, RELAX - say anything you want, but mean what you say, do not make promises you cannot keep, do not lie, and if you must pretend, do not forget that is what you are doing.

I said to him:
"Besides being available to answer "any question, any time" (which is not to say I have all the answers, but consistent with my Customer Service background), I am available to referee the seemingly never-ending eruption of disputes between individuals these days, and I struggle every day to maintain a "calm" (thus presentable) irateness at what is going on around us human beings, and what is happening to us as human beings, in a society which seems increasingly focused on detaching itself from the very NATURE which has sustained us as living beings since our creation as living beings.

When asked, we may sometimes have to answer, "I don't know," yet as I see it, that process should stimulate progress toward what is being sought, and people usually do not so much want an answer as they need a workable solution.

In my view, "How can I help you?" ought always be higher priority than "What's in it for me."

I simply seek "enough" and to give back in return for a very fine life, Sir."

His question, and my response, touches on something which most days "simmers beneath the surface" - something I would like to discuss more with certain qualified individuals ...

-- advertising --

Advertising can be in your face rude and obnoxious, "stupid making" and intelligence numbing, and it can be so subtle as to be unrecognizable.

Advertising certainly is an art, and one which can cause immense good, and also immense harm.

I advertise every day, and some people "see" it, and most do not.

For the "noticeable" forms of advertising I often find myself too disgusted (as I pointed out to a friend who PMed me about an article on autos which was no more than an advertisement disguised as "information"), and moreso on the Internet for all the "promises" which in no way or form can ever possibly be kept - most of which is written by someone else and simply "passed through" without apparently the "advertiser" giving much, if any thought, to what is being said.

My belief is that GOOD advertising goes unnoticed
- is a message which does not get in the way of what the message is about.

So much talk of abundance, which is truly all around us, and yet so many of us remain focused on "getting mine" and "getting more" with never an apparent thought for what is "enough" - not enough for "me" but enough for US
- all of us, everyone, all deserving of the same.

Oh, I would SO much like to hear what YOU have to say in response to this : )

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Blogger Chuck Bartok said...

Appreciate your Post. We seem to be of Like Mind.
Also enjoy your positions on Ryze.

Ever get South give a holler. We are couple hours "south of the Border"


11:35 PM  

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