Sunday, August 28, 2005

protecting the kids ...

Used to be I thought and believed ACLU was an organization beneficial to America and to Americans. In Civil Rights issues my opinion of ACLU was high.

Any such notions changed the day ACLU decided to defend NAMBLA on basis of Freedom of Speech and Association. Incredibly, a CNN article characterized the 2001 lawsuit as a "court battle over free speech rights."

The Curley v. NAMBLA lawsuit was brought due to the 1997 death of 10-year-old Joseph Curley, and "claims that NAMBLA and seven of the group's leaders encouraged the "illegal rape of young male children..."

In choosing to defend NAMBLA, ACLU appears to disregard the simple fact that having sex with minors is illegal in every state in the Union.

My decision is not political; it is simply in defense of America's children.
I cannot continue to support a group that puts our children's lives at risk, and worse, defends those who murder our children.

My support will now go to the Alliance Defense Fund:

Friday, August 26, 2005

identity theft ...

Resources to learn about the crime of identity theft. Provides detailed information to help you protect yourself from identity theft, and the steps to take if it occurs. Also a comprehensive reference cente for consumers, businesses, law enforcement, and media, with access to specific laws, contact information, and resources from state and federal government agencies.

See also:

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

did you ever wonder ... ?


Saturday, August 20, 2005

I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour. I will check google before spreading a rumour.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Timeshare User's Group

The Timeshare User's Group started in 1993 is a self-help organization composed of timeshare owners and other interested parties. TUG provides timeshare owners with an unbiased source of consumer oriented information regarding timeshare resorts and the timeshare concept. TUG collects reviews and ratings on more than 2000 timeshare resorts from TUG Members who have been there and provides this data along with area activities, sites to see and places to eat for member use. Additionally, TUG provides a variety of services (see Site Index) which enhance the Timeshare users' awareness of the current timeshare industry. The quote we hear most from new members is "I wish I had known about TUG before I bought my first timeshare". To learn more about our organization, see:

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Timeshare User's Group

The Timeshare User's Group started in 1993 is a self-help organization composed of timeshare owners and other interested parties. TUG provides timeshare owners with an unbiased source of consumer oriented information regarding timeshare resorts and the timeshare concept. TUG collects reviews and ratings on more than 2000 timeshare resorts from TUG Members who have been there and provides this data along with area activities, sites to see and places to eat for member use. Additionally, TUG provides a variety of services (see Site Index) which enhance the Timeshare users' awareness of the current timeshare industry. The quote we hear most from new members is "I wish I had known about TUG before I bought my first timeshare". To learn more about our organization, see:

Credit Scores

Recently consumers were given opportunity to pull their credit reports free from each of the three major credit bureaus.

Credit scores are not free

Each spouse has a separate score. Credit scores must be purchased unless the consumer is applying for a home loan or is offered one for free through a lender (Providian, for instance, offers free access to credit scores).

Tips on improving your score

Providian and CFA offered the following tips to improve your score:

Pay bills consistently and on time.
Don't max out credit cards.
Avoid opening a lot of new credit accounts in a short time.

Keep an eye on your credit-limit ratio. That is, if all of your credit-card balances combined are more than about 50% of your total available credit (all of your credit-card limits) combined, consider paying down balances to get that ratio below 50% to improve your score.

Get your free credit reports through to make sure there are no errors on your reports that may be hurting your score.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Cold Emailing

Spam is unsolicited bulk commercial e-mail. In the off-line world we call it junk email technique. The marketer in this case is not trying to make contact with any specific type of company or individual. Tens of thousands to millions of emails are sent to random individuals. This technique is mostly used in the business to consumer "b2c" realm of business and the item that is being sold is generally of low value. Zero research has been done in regards to the recipients and the list of emails is usually purchased in bulk from list vendors who specialize in this field. "Spammers" are realistically looking for a .05%-.1% percent response rate.

Cold Emailing enables sales professionals to contact people through a technique which is in no way related to spam. Here is a quick comparison between spam and cold emailing.


(1) bulk/junk email sent tens/hundreds of thousands of people simultaneously
(2) the message is not targeted to the recipient and sent to any email address
(3) the target recipient of the email is not known
(4) the sender/author of the email is not known
(5) return address and headers are fake and misleading
(6) the sender is usually selling unscrupulous products or even a scam

Cold Emailing:

(1) one email is sent out to one specific individual
(2) the message is tailored specifically for the target recipient
(3) the target recipients name and background is known based upon research
(4) the sender/author is clearly identified in the email signature
(5) return address and headers are real and not misleading
(6) the sender is trying to create contact with the recipient to discuss business

Cold emailing is very similar to cold calling. Also, most professionals prefer receiving a cold email versus a cold call.

Friday, August 12, 2005

dating your 'customer' ...

Quality and availability of products in our country and beyond is better than ever. Go into anyone’s home and see the brand names on display.

What is the need for all the “urgent interruption” of advertising ? Is any of it announcing something new ? Ten or twenty thousand people at one time send the same “urgent” message online. Estimate of total Internet users indicates there are 25 people for every commercial website online right now.

There is an argument that: “interruption marketing” is a “Catch-22: The more they spend, the less it works. The less it works, the more they spend.” … because “interruption marketing” is not so pervasive that we tune it out. There is shortage of time and attention.


Thursday, August 11, 2005

earn first, then spend ...

For many months I have been advocating “Earn first, then spend” approach to earning online – simply because the “other way” does not work for so many people. I do not worry about anyone “stealing” the idea because what is important is that everyone, everywhere, should have a real chance to earn additional income from the Internet.

Today I am pleased to see another “grass-roots” program which has been available for over three years is adopting the EFTS approach. A factor for which that program has been struggling was the $50 entry fee, which can now be done away with.

We still possess advantages in our own plan, which I characterize as more of a movement than a program. We have our domain and hosting – now working to install software. Coming very soon !

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

giving back ...

So often the help and support others have given us cannot be returned in kind - not to them directly, unless they need it. Important for to remember someone gave what they had and what they could do for you with no expectation of return, but because they believed in you and wanted to ensure your success.

What you must do in return for such charity received is to extend to others benefits of what you have been given and what you have learned. To do that is to multiply many times over the love that was bestowed upon you.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

sick joke ...

I do not believe there is any criminal or malicious intent among IT Principals or Board of Directors. It is my opinion that difficulties we have experienced with implementation of IT as a source of income are result of lack of experience and knowledge – factors which I believe can be improved.

Such lack of experience and knowledge to me begs a question why and how IT Principals thought they could accomplish what they set out do, as outlined in original Parent Body, unless they had some timetable to gain those two necessary elements that would keep pace with IT growth. Perhaps they were “caught with their pants down” in that regard as IT grew much faster than they anticipated … which also leaves me puzzled, because we know well enough the need in the world for alternative income.

Should have been no surprise that IT would grow as fast as it did. Only surprises me that the growth “spurt” did not come sooner. I think only because many waited to see results before joining. Once IT had a three-month “track record” that was enough to convince the masses.

The future of IT hangs in the balance now – whether IT has active professional traders on board and trading has continued through the “trials” we do not know. The basic premise of IT I believe to be sound. The real challenge in my view is that such an innovative idea as IT does not go unnoticed. Regulators in every jurisdiction wanting their “piece of the pie” pales in comparison to those business owners who feel threatened by what IT can do.

As example, we need only look at HYIPs, very few of which, if any, are legitimate - the bulk of HYIPs being clearly Ponzi Schemes not backed by ANY active or legitimate trading. Owners of such “businesses” will not sit still in face of success of International Traders or any like business that will deliver a good return to depositors. It would mean loss of easy revenue to them.

HYIP owners and those who run forums “rating” HYIPs have a vested interest in continuing their ripoff schemes which benefit the few at expense of many. That HYIP “business” is what they understand. They know HYIP is not a term favoured by the public, which is why it is not surprising when HYIP owners and related forum owners point to a struggling legitimate business like IT and label it HYIP or Ponzi.

To do otherwise would be like expecting them to talk about racing cars in nautical terms. HYIP owners and owners of related forums set themselves up as “protectors” of the public at the same time they promote the very online “businesses” which rip off the public they claim to protect. For as many years as that sick joke has persisted, I can only wonder why so few see it.

Monday, August 08, 2005

reaching out ...

Making an effort to “reach out” to certain individuals who, in my opinion, are working to obstruct what others of us can do to help people generally in this world:

Specifically, in one instance I have exchanged a series of messages with a man who is most active right now in calling for investigation(s) of IT. This man has experience in programming / gaming he says, but no experience in investing – not according to his own words.

Makes me wonder then why he poses as “authority” to say that IT cannot provide such a high level of returns unless it is a Ponzi. He has yet to offer any basis for that claim. We are well aware International Forex Trading can easily provide such returns, and IFT is the basis of IT, is it not ?

Seems to me when an idea such as IT is present in the community, those with relevant experience would work to educate and support, to improve on the idea if necessary. To go in the opposite direction causes me to look more closely at such an individual's motives.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

like clockwork in both share price and equity per share

A perspective worth adding to your own:

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Stop HYIP Scam - Call for Public Action

As author of this blog and as your advocate, I neither support nor challenge the following:
. . . . . . .

We believe that the time has come to support and protect DGC industry which is developing rapidly, but has not yet stabilized and any negative factors can cause its decline and further stagnation. One of the most important of such factors is the aggressive use of Digital Gold Currency by scammers in the so-called High Yield Investment Programs (HYIP). Taking part in HYIP programs, people lose millions of dollars every year by giving them to scammers. The wish to become rich immediately leads to sad results. HYIP is always 100% fraud and nothing more. There is just no sense to give examples as there are dozens if not hundreds of thousands of them. One of the latest and biggest HYIP/Ponzi frauds is described on the site U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at Just read this release. In spite of the fact that many HYIP programs owners are trying to prove that exactly their program is not a fraud, we can say with confidence that all HYIPs are scam. There are no exceptions.

Using DGC by criminals results in devaluing of the reputation of particular digital currencies (E-Gold, GoldMoney, E-Bullion, Pecunix) as well as of DGC market on the whole. It undoubtedly impedes further growth and popularization of digital currencies. The aim of this action is simple to the maximum… If we cannot stop the scammers from using digital currencies in their machinations, we must at least warn as many people as possible about the risk of taking part in HYIP programs.

We call you to support our Public Action by placing the 'Stop HYIP Scam' button on your site, HTML-code of which can be found below. We understand that it is just a preventive measure, but it is now as important as it has never been before.

Stop HYIP Scam

Friday, August 05, 2005

something not right ...

Wanted to know current ownership of a familiar site this morning, so I did my usual search at ... and this was result:

"The IP Address you are using to query our Whois Server has exceeded the 100 Whois queries per day limit. Any further queries from this IP Address will not result in a response until 24 hours.

You could have received this message, if is a Public IP Address and has been used to query our Whois Server today, by multiple individuals before your query.

This limit is set to effectively dissuade Whois Contact Details harvesting, apart from balancing load on our Whois Server.

If you wish to continue your investigation, please perform a Whois Lookup at

In order to increase this limit, please write to Whois Privacy and Spam Prevention by Whois Source with your IP Address and an explanation as to why you require a higher limit."

This was my first search today, third search in 24 hours ... so what gives ?

I have not done 100 searches in the last 30 days ! Doubt that many in last 60 days, so something else is going on here.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

hosting a site ... ?

As a domain registrar, is one of the best;
however ...

If your domain will have affiliate traffic or newsletter emailing,
then is not a good choice for you.

One SPAM complaint, no matter what is your relationship with
your host, as registrar will lock you out of your
account and point nameservers to 404 page. seems to be the only registrar that plays spam cop.

If you are not yet familiar with the CAN SPAM act, go here:

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Advertiser Alert

A law in 2 U.S. states that may pertain to ALL involved in PTR - especially those who promote PTP sites.

States are creating laws in effort to protect minors from having access to illegal products (tobacco, alcohol, gambling etc.) on line.

More states may adopt similiar laws.

If you promote PTP sites, many of which generate pop ups, the likelihood of your dispaying gambling or pharmacy sites is high.

Many subscribers to PTR are parents with minors in the home. To protect their children from having access to to illegal products, some parents register their emaill addresses with the state.

State attorney generals can hold you liable for submitting sites containing links or banners, or pop ups displaying tobacco, alcohol, gambling etc., when they receive complaints from parents registered with the state.


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

bootstrapper ...

I am a bootstrapper. I have initiative and insight and guts but not much money. I will succeed because my efforts and my focus will defeat biger and better-funded competitors. I am fearless. I keep my eye on growing my business - not on politics, career advancements, or other wasteful distractions.

I will leverage my skills to become the key to every department in my company, yet realize that hiring experts can be the secret to my success. I will be a fervent and intelligent user of technology, to conserve my two most precious assets - time and money.

My secret weapon is knowing how to cut through bureaucracy. My size makes me faster and more nimble than any [other] company can ever be.

I am a laser beam. Opportunities will try to cloud my focus, but I will not waiver from my stated goal and plan until I change it. I know that plans were made to be changed.

I am in it for the long haul. Building a business that will last separates me from the opportunist, and is an investment in my brand and my future. Surviving is succeeding, and each day that goes by makes it easier still for me to reach my goals.

I pledge to know more about my field than anyone else. I will read and learn and teach. My greatest asset is the value I can add to my clients through my efforts.

I realize that treating people on the way up will make it nicer for me on the way back down. I will be scrupulously honest and overt in my dealings, and won't use my position as a fearless bootstrapper to gain unfair advantage. My reputation will follow me where ever I go, I will invest in it daily and protect it fiercely.

I am the underdog. I realize that others are rooting for me to succeed, and I will gratefully accept their help when offered. I also understand the power of favors, and will offer them and grant them when I can.

I have less to lose than most-- a fact I can turn into a significant competitive advantage.

I am a salesperson. Sooner or later my income will depend on sales, and those sales can be made only by me, not an emissary, not a rep. I will sell by helping others get what they want, by identifying needs and filling them.

I am a guerilla. I will be persistent, consistent, and willing to invest in the marketing of myself and my business.

I will measure what I do, and won't lie about it to myself or my spouse. I will set strict financial goals and honestly evaluate my performance. I will set limits on time and money and won't exceed either.

Most of all, I'll remember the journey is the reward. I will learn and grow and enjoy every single day !

by: Seth Godin

Monday, August 01, 2005

anyone may apply ...

We believe the Internet can be used as a tool to help anyone, anywhere get out of debt, stay out of debt, build an alternative income, "dust off" old dreams, and begin to live a more fulfilling life.

What we offer is a plan - more of a movement than a program or company. Something simple enough to work for those not connected to Internet - a passive income source. Does not consume time, requires no computer skills, and best of all is free to start.

We believe most current "Internet opportunity" is designed to remove funds from those it claims to help. We turn the tables, providing income before "outgo." There is a great need in some sections of our society for alternate income.

Coming soon: We are developing a simple website through which anyone is welcome to register in our plan. Once registered, members are free to continue whatever activities they choose, online or off. Membership in our plan will not interfere.

The only attrition we foresee is when a member passes on. Once we set up income streams for our members, it is unlikely they will "unplug" from receiving their income. Memberships are transferrable, within limits of member's local laws which may apply.

Currently, we are accepting applications for membership: Full legal name and e-mail address. Please specify whether application is for personal use or someone you want to sponsor. Yes, you may do both.