Sunday, August 28, 2005

protecting the kids ...

Used to be I thought and believed ACLU was an organization beneficial to America and to Americans. In Civil Rights issues my opinion of ACLU was high.

Any such notions changed the day ACLU decided to defend NAMBLA on basis of Freedom of Speech and Association. Incredibly, a CNN article characterized the 2001 lawsuit as a "court battle over free speech rights."

The Curley v. NAMBLA lawsuit was brought due to the 1997 death of 10-year-old Joseph Curley, and "claims that NAMBLA and seven of the group's leaders encouraged the "illegal rape of young male children..."

In choosing to defend NAMBLA, ACLU appears to disregard the simple fact that having sex with minors is illegal in every state in the Union.

My decision is not political; it is simply in defense of America's children.
I cannot continue to support a group that puts our children's lives at risk, and worse, defends those who murder our children.

My support will now go to the Alliance Defense Fund:


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