Thursday, January 05, 2006

A word about Hype

Do you get caught up in the hype machine? Do you drop everything you're doing and sign up immediately when you see the word's PRE-LAUNCH? Or LIMITED TIME ONLY?

What you should do when you see these word's is run like hell!! If it is a program, product or service that is TRULY of value. It won't matter whether you get in today or in 6 months, you will be able to learn or earn from it.

The net is overrun with HYPE, what HYPE means to me is that the product or service won't sell on it's own so they have to make it seem more important by creating a false sense of urgency to join or buy. Usually these programs/products are of no special value other than the value created for the person who starts or creates them. What's usually in it for you is another product you'll never use or a service that is of no real value.

Well, how do I select a program or product you ask? Simple, through the network you've developed, ask around. Really do some networking, ask your group that you communicate with what they use or promote. What's working for them? What's not working for them? This is another value of the list that you build for yourself is the sharing of information. Keep an open line of communication with everyone you make contact with in your online venture's.

I know about the HYPE machine ohh too well. I have been caught in the hype of several programs over the last couple of years and have lost and or wasted my fair share of money doing it. I have made more money with the tried and true programs that have been around for years than I ever did with a pre-launch hype machine. Riding the HYPE machine causes you to bounce from program to program and in doing this, you never know what works and what doesn't because you never stick with a program long enough to TRULY know it's value. It's called Leapfrogging and it is the quickest way to fail in your online ventures. Leapfrogging should be left as the game you played in grade school on recess. Not how you try to create an online business or income.

Communicate with your network and find out what is working for them. Then, create a plan of attack to make it successful for you, using the information you've gathered from the people in your network.

Remember, the list you build is for more than just selling to. It's also for learning from and sharing with!!

Avoid the HYPE machine and stick to the NETWORK machine you're creating!!


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