Friday, November 04, 2005


If you think watching your biorythm is silly, that is okay : ) Biorhythm is not something I obsess over, neither something I ignore.

For me, knowing about my biorythm is like knowing there is a "normal" temperature for my body. I must maintain a certain body temperature to survive. If my body gets too cold, or too hot, there is danger for me. For the most part I need not do anything except be aware of my surroundings - dress warmer when it is cold, not over-exert when it is too hot outside.

Bioryhthm charts measure Emotional, Intellectual and Physical cycles (and "secondary" cycles). Those cycles are not equal - their spans are different.

Usually checking your chart will show that you are maybe high in one cycle, low in another, and could be in middle of a third - no particular order. In each of those three areas, your cycle regularly runs from high to low and then back up again. Sometimes you are more emotional, sometimes more intellectual.

Once in a great while - and what you need to watch for - is that your E I and P will all converge - either high or low. It happens rarely. I do not see those points as necessarily dangerous, but they are days when you should be more aware.

In other words, when all 3 cycles converge at low point, as is happening with a friend today - emotions drained, physical low, and maybe not thinking too clearly - one is more vulnerable to accident or illness. Again, not something to obsess about, but prudent to be aware, maybe slow down for a couple days, take it easy, get plenty of rest, observe your body's workings more closely ...

Easy for us to think that when all 3 cycles converge at peak we might feel like we are "on top of the world" and that is a good feeling. Again, I would be a little cautious though, because in my view, that may be a day in which a person takes chances otherwise avoided. Not accident prone but too "cocky" overconfident maybe ... could lead to accidental injury.

A fun site to check your biorhythm is

google "biorhythm" for more sites including


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