Sunday, October 02, 2005

What is wrong with Barbados ... ?

This morning Sonia sent me a message using the word "urgent" - first time she has ever done that. Sonia recently completed her verification process for Studio Traffic so she can be paid.

Here is what she said:

"james my life is awful you know I been in ST since early this year back In February. I have 3 refferals by sweating and advertising and all 3 have upgraded james all 3. Now I been hearing since my country is not listed my surfing will be banned until further noticed. When I joined back in February barbados was there and that was why i joined, it is unfair for them to do this to me now jjames. I got an account level of $550 finally and i been compounding until next year when I will be withdraw $300usd a month. James I dont' know what to do I contacted the admin to see what they will say regarding this matter, if they do this to me james I will give up on everything. This happens to me to often everytime I earn something something chhanges and I get kick out. It not fair I have refferals, an account level of $550 and got my studiopay account verify friday. I just don't kno what to do but the news wasn't good when i got it from help desk. it just really hurts"

There will be more to say about this matter in coming days. Right now I am suppressing comments until I know more details from ST and others ...


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