Tuesday, November 01, 2005

What are you thinking ... ?

Yesterday I posted "Audit your own phone bill ..."

There is a clear purpose in posting that message. Bank statements and utility bills are rife with abuse. Why ? Because most people do not read them ...

If you look at them carefully, you will find niggling little charges - oftentimes charges for no service that was EVER provided to you - not to mention odd little amounts for various taxes.

Most people just write a check and "pay the bill" ... without thinking about what is on the page. If you knew the amount collected every year for such "billing mistakes" including taxes and for services never delivered to anyone, your remark would be "less than polite" ...

Something for you to think about and watch for then. Auditing those bills is a service some people provide - same as auditing shipper's bills for mistakes.
. . . . . . .

Yesterday's post entry made different people think in different ways. It was not a comment on the British or any government - not necessarily : ) Some readers in other places I posted that same message made comment on the media reacting or spinning ... on whether there is a truly organized Al Qaeda at work, and it prompted other thoughts.

Sometimes we get so caught up in all the confusion of the day that what might seem obvious to us as thinking people is not seen at all.

For instance, it is hard for me to think that any government would really ignore a situation like that - knowingly. Could happen, but you know what ? I think if there is a "bad guy" you are going to pay someone to track and monitor anyway, the expense would be no greater - not to mention it would put lives at risk - to just "accidentally" leave an expensive toy for someone to find ... and use. Let them "track themself" for you. Why not ? You know who is receiving - and reading - the bill for that "lost" phone, right ?

Who is looking at the numbers called, where the calls were made ...

Think about it ...


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