Thursday, November 24, 2005

it is us

I visited them to say Happy Thanksgiving to all, but did not ...

Following several threads there I was saddened at what I read.

So I thought, well, I will leave a greeting and a comment or two ...
... but my spirit darkened thinking of what I must write to them.

Then I quietly closed the door and went to share festivities with others.

In thankfulness I will share with them what I share with you here now:

" And now it is us. We are the ones they spoke of long ago.
They say to be alive; to come into creation and to live upon
the earth at this time is a great honor.

In the cycle of time, from the beginning to the end, this time
we are in now will change the purification of all things.
They say this is the hardest time to live, but it is also the
greatest honor to be alive and see this. "


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