Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Canned Spam

You know, if it works for you, I want to be the very last one to
discourage you ... and then would prefer to remain silent anyway.

Just got a call from "Out of Area" and answered as I sometimes will, just to see who is there.

From Joyce. I picked the spelling of "Joyce" because I do not know
Joyce. Her message was recorded, inviting me to call back a number included in the recording if I would be interested in "making thousands of dollars a day returning phone calls"

Of course I would love to think that just by calling someone back after they have called me that I would be paid thousands of dollars a day ... hardly even having time to run to the bank, maybe have to hire someone to make my deposits for me, eh ?

Whew !

I like Joyce's message - simple, short, easy question. Either I have
time available to return phone calls or I do not - easy to decide.

Her message does not insult me the way a caller does in saying " Don't
worry, James. I am not calling to sell you anything ... " duh " Then
why are you calling me ? " is what I usually am too polite to respond
with ...

Or callers who start with " James ! I hear you are interested in
starting a home-based business ! "

Hello !

What is remarkable is that such trolling really does get some bites,
even if it is canned audio spam.

Also remarkable foolishness - mining for that "one gem in a thousand prospects" ... not doing the math - failing to realize if you are buying leads from your "opp" and 10 or 20,000 others are buying their leads from the same source, a FEW of you will be delivering the same message to the same people to the point that the "same people" start saying, even YELLING - " Enough "


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