Thursday, February 15, 2007

Registerfly On the Fly in Feud ...

So who is Registerfly? Are your names safe? How would you like to know the real deal? During a phone conversation between an undisclosed contact and employee of Registerfly, it seems as though the truth is surfacing and it's filtering in from the employees of Registerfly.

Registerfly Partners Feud

There were two original partners in Registerfly. One was Kevin Medina who now lives in Miami Beach and the other was John Naruszewicz.

The two partners began to disagree with how the company was being managed. This disagreement led to the attempt from one partner to remove the other. However, the partner that maintained control over the registry with all the passwords and data, refused to release any of this information to the partner. Therefore, everyone in the company is blocked out of accessing the registry or any of the data.

Registerfly Responds to Customers

The latest... Registerfly sends email to all it's customers making claims. Click on the title or read more to get the latest. Registerfly sent this:

Discontinuation of using reseller services with

We are aware that enom may have sent a notice in regards to the relationship between enom/registerfly.

RegisterFly Reseller Termination FAQ By now you may have received the formal notice to owners of domains which have been registered by eNom via its reseller, Although you purchased your name at RegisterFly, eNom is the actual registrar of record for your domains. eNom powers thousands of domain name retailers and web hosts worldwide.

Enom - Done with Registerfly - Hooray!

I have some late breaking and Great news for the customers of Registerfly. Enom has officially announced that they are no longer going to be associated with Registerfly. This is big. This is so big in fact that this has put the Registefly server down due to too much traffic. This is such fantastic news I've literally been dancing around the office and getting ready to light up a fat cigar to celebrate.

Our efforts have not been vain and finally someone has heard our complaints and is acting on it. Enom, we commend you for doing the right thing and for taking a stand against the unethical business practices of Registerfly. Please click below to read more!


Thursday, February 08, 2007

is there information which ought not be shared ... ?

Very early this morning, we had our second "significant" snowfall here this winter - still nothing to "write home about" ...

Certainly nothing to complain about either - it will be gone (melted away) by mid-afternoon, while parts of this country are dealing with sub-zero temperatures and deep snow, under which in some cities fire hydrants are inacessible under five or more feet of snow.

We will have a drought year, while Washington State to the north has above average snowfall.

Some say time seems to be moving faster, stress is more intense than ever, things seem to be changing and people do not understand why.

Clearly the planet we live on in this physical life is going through some changes, and some of us see those changes as part of something larger, yet something we do not quite understand and for which we have yet no particular proof.

As long as I can remember in this life, I have been possessed of a "feeling" (a knowing, a sense - not sure what is the right word) that I would live to see some "great change" for which I should "be prepared" ...

... but how does one prepare for "something" so unspecific ?

For that reason I have always been interested in the *physical history* of Earth - what it tells us of past events on this planet.

Learning to understand weather patterns was prompted by more immediate concerns when my work was in the woods every day.

Some of us do not rely so much on science, however, as we do on religion - putting our "faith" in being spiritually centered and thus *prepared* for whatever God or Creator has *planned* for us, without seeking to "know the details" as it were.

Religion is thus a refuge for some - a safe place where one does not have to "know the details" or consider them at all: Simply pray for guidance.

Our society as I see it is not polarized as some would have us believe - that is, we do not all live in one or the other of those two "worlds" of science or religion, but most likely the majority of us are somewhere between them, leaning perhaps toward one or the other.

Being neither a scientist nor adherent to any organized religion, I suppose I live somewhere between those two "worlds" in a place where curiousity has continually driven me to find "details" if they can be found at all, to satisfy that "calling" to "be prepared" by better understanding what it is I am preparing for.

That "quest for details" has led me to some strange places, but most of all it has brought me to a point where I have to ask myself (and I share the question with you - not so much for you to give an answer, but to contemplate):

-- "is there information which ought not be shared ... ?" --

Lately I have had occasion to better understand how important that question is to anyone in a position of leadership.

When disaster such as storm or tidal wave is imminent, a leader has responsibility to warn, and responsibility not to cause panic.

In a larger sense I can see possibilities / probabilities for which *informing* would not as much cause *panic* as it would cause despair.

To explain that, for instance there are things I do not mention to my Dad at all - at 87 there is nothing he can do about them except think about them, worry about them, and I do not see what good it would do him to even consider them.

Likewise, a child needs to be "sheltered" from certain knowledge in order to simply have a *childhood* - might otherwise see no point in "growing up" looking at the future with such dread as to not want to live to meet it (and I wonder how that contributes to teen suicide rates these days).

At the same time, I see any "environment of secrets" as an unhealthy place to live, which leads me to think there is a certain "healthy exchange" of knowledge between individuals, for which we have to be concerned about the effect what we share will have on another individual, while at the same time not withholding knowledge from others which may be beneficial to them.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Software For the Brain - Instructional Video


Well worth your time - please schedule:

52 min 21 sec


Friday, February 02, 2007

Focus Communications robot calling ...

Today's number is 800-699-3923 which also uses a robot to dial numbers to see what time of day the phone will be picked up.

The company is Focus Communications which claims to be calling on behalf of Qwest, checking to make sure phone service is the best it can be. The real purpose of Focus calls is to sell internet and related services. If you ask them not to call again, do not be surprised if you are told it may take 30-60 days before the calls stop.

The only website I can find for Focus Communications is an Australian site which provides phone to business services.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Truelogic Financial Corporation - bottomfeeder ...

866-488-4299 is a particularly nasty nuisance caller, I am told ...

Would not have known about it except yesterday I received a call (did not answer) from that number.

References associate that number with a company called Truelogic Financial Corporation, 7100 E Belleview Avenue, Greenwood Village, CO 80111-1632 telephone: (720) 974-0386

TFC uses a robot dialer to leave a message from "Michele Thomas who provides 866-488-4299 as the number to call for an "important message."

The message includes a "reference" number to submit when responding.

Similar calls come from Truelogic using "Stephanie Jones (1-877-337-3099)" as call back info.

Such calls are received from Truelogic even by people who have never had ANY delinquent debt, received by elderly people who owe no past due debts, and some of those people are coerced into paying debts which were never theirs.

How Truelogic decides who to call is unknown, but such calls are outright harrassment, in part because they are meant to be intimidating.

Truelogic is a *bottomfeeder* that buys old debts for pennies on the dollar, referring to itself as a "third-party collection agency" which reportedly even goes after old magazine subscriptions against subscribers who have relocated.

A Truelogic representative has been quoted as saying:

"The secret is to give them lots of information, and they'll give you information back."

In otherwords, if the caller gives you an address, a name similar to yours, a (any) telephone number, a number that sounds like a social security number, and anything else that sounds legitimate - YOU will "correct" the caller by giving them accurate information they can run with. The caller then has something to work with - correct person or not.

One intimidating tactic Truelogic uses is to demand SSN and DOB up front, before the callback can proceed.

One thing I cannot stress enough is NEVER give anyone you do not know your Social Security Number over the phone - careful even if you do know the person. NEVER give your date of birth. DO NOT volunteer your address to any caller. If you MUST verify your SSN, give ONLY the last four digits - NEVER any more than that ... but I do not recommend even verifying your SSN with a caller you do not know.

As I have said in the past, if you receive a phone call which, for instance says it is from your bank (or from any company you DO have an account with), be polite and gather as much information as you can about the purpose of the call, the *problem* alleged to be the purpose of the call, the caller's name and position with the company, location, and a call back number.

Do not be surprised if you cannot collect those details, and DO NOT complain if the caller does not give them.

Instead, once you are satisfied you have gathered enough information for yourself, then politely terminate the call.

Do not tell the caller what you intend to do next, but what you DO next is to call the bank or company, using the normal number(s) you already have for contacting that bank or company. Do NOT use the number you were given in the previous call. Make sure you are talking with a representative of the company you think you are calling.

Again, first get the name of the person you are talking with, write the name down along with the date and time of your call, then tell the person about the previous call you received, what the caller said was the "problem" needed resolved, and verify that problem exists (do not be surprised if it does not exist).

Remember that if your bank or another company through with you have an account in your name has a problem with your account, that business will send you something in reference to the *problem* through the US Postal Service. They will not resort to a phone call or an e-mail - the notice will be sent as a routine part of their automated business processes.