Monday, October 31, 2005

Audit your own phone bill ...

... and your bank statement too - every month

30 October 2005
Exclusive By Rupert Hamer, Defence Correspondent

BRITISH diplomats had a satellite phone stolen in Baghdad...and only noticed it was missing after a bill for FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS was run up.

The invoice shows thousands of phone calls made to Yemen and Saudi Arabia, bases for al-Qaeda terror networks. MI6 spy chiefs fear the "Thuraya" phone was used by insurgents to plot a wave of suicide bombings across Iraq.

Now furious Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has launched a major investigation into how the theft was allowed to happen - and why nothing was done until the huge bill was uncovered.

The theft was discovered in June when shocked staff at the British Embassy in Baghdad noticed the massive charges.

Even more shocking, it appears the phone may have been in the wrong hands for over two years. Thuraya has a flat rate of 70p per minute - meaning that the phone would have to have been used non-stop for nearly 18 months to run up such a bill.

A senior security source said: "This is a huge cock-up. We've got enough problems in Iraq without our own sat phones being intercepted and used by insurgents. It has to be the ultimate irony when terrorists use our equipment to organise suicide bombings and talk to their supporters elsewhere around the world."

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

attempt to shut down free speech

Regardless the nature of the site, I see this as ...

A clear attempt to shut down free speech
AOL Time-Warner Censors Alex Jones Websites Nationwide blackout
Prison Planet | October 5 2005

Time Warner's ISP, Road Runner, has blocked access to all of Alex Jones' flagship websites across the entire United States.

We were first alerted to this problem early this morning when several locals in Austin reported that they were unable to access, or Prison

Austin Time Warner had previously shut down access to our websites on a whim, claiming they were 'hate material' but in all cases had quickly restored them after receiving complaints.

However, this latest attack on free speech is occurring nationwide, with Time Warner subscribers from New York to California reporting that their access to the websites is being blocked.

The last attempt to shut us down came shortly after the London Bombings, which saw our traffic go through the roof after we released a plethora of articles exposing government involvement.

Read more at:

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Chinese Internet censorship

Chinese Internet censorship: two web sites shut down

13:39 2005-10-04
Chinese authorities have shut down an online discussion forum that reported on anti-corruption protests in a village in the country's south as well as a Web site serving ethnic Mongolians, overseas monitors said Tuesday.

China routinely shuts down or blocks Web sites that operate outside of government control, but the issue has received heightened international attention in recent weeks with the publication of new rules aimed at stifling online dissent.

Radio Free Asia, a U.S.-based broadcaster, said an online forum that covered protests in the village of Taishi has been closed. It said the site had been popular among academics, journalists and rights activists.

Residents of Taishi, which is near the manufacturing hub of Guangzhou, had demanded that their village chief be removed from office and investigated for allegations of embezzlement and fraud.
Several villagers were reportedly injured in a clash with police last month when they tried to prevent police from seizing accounting ledgers that they said contained evidence of corruption.

Police and local authorities have refused to comment, informes the AP.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

What is wrong with Barbados ... ?

This morning Sonia sent me a message using the word "urgent" - first time she has ever done that. Sonia recently completed her verification process for Studio Traffic so she can be paid.

Here is what she said:

"james my life is awful you know I been in ST since early this year back In February. I have 3 refferals by sweating and advertising and all 3 have upgraded james all 3. Now I been hearing since my country is not listed my surfing will be banned until further noticed. When I joined back in February barbados was there and that was why i joined, it is unfair for them to do this to me now jjames. I got an account level of $550 finally and i been compounding until next year when I will be withdraw $300usd a month. James I dont' know what to do I contacted the admin to see what they will say regarding this matter, if they do this to me james I will give up on everything. This happens to me to often everytime I earn something something chhanges and I get kick out. It not fair I have refferals, an account level of $550 and got my studiopay account verify friday. I just don't kno what to do but the news wasn't good when i got it from help desk. it just really hurts"

There will be more to say about this matter in coming days. Right now I am suppressing comments until I know more details from ST and others ...