Monday, June 13, 2005


In this issue:

1. Too Much Talk ...
2. ... and Not Enough Action !
3. Tradition ?
4. No secret formula
5. Real Website
6. Define Business
7. Repetitiiousness ... ?

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1. Too Much Talk ...

I am a bad boy. Took time off. Was feeling generally disagreeable - uncharacteristically so, headache getting worse; no way could I be effective ... so I set some things running, turned off the rest, and went out with a good book, took a walk, let things clear ... and just when I was ready, with a head full to write to you, I was called to help a neighbor move ...

This morning, ready to go, I was informed my Ebay account had been compromised - no fraudulent activity, just unathorized access ... never an end to the fun here. Let's go ...

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"When in doubt, do something." - Harry Chapin
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2. ... and Not Enough Action !

S.S. Prosperity (IT) is still stranded in fog in Sargasso ... what can I say ?
Latest "news" is no news. Ian promised to bring word from Mac, but Ian is delayed because an acquaintance ( friend's Mom ) was taken to hospital from aneurism. Traumatic for Ian. Paul informs Mac has had the flu ... and so it goes ...

We each must find our own personal balance. Was talking with a new Oregon friend this morning about our "doe-eyed" neighbors ( Forum ? What's that ? ). So much to learn and share with others ... who have so much to learn, and all the while the shysters make our work more difficult. If it is MLM or NM or xxx ... must be EVIL. Run for your life !

... and you cannot argue with them. I have a postcard just came in the mail, right here. Says in Big Bold Underscored Letters:

"How Can You Be GUARANTEED $1,200 A Week Bare Minimum, For 57 Minutes Of Work ?"

Excuse me ? Are you GOD ? How can YOU GUARANTEE ME that a meteor will not land in this very room, crushing me AND my computer ? Guarantee my backside !

... but no false advertising there. It was not a statement, but a question ? Suggestive ... misleading. False. 57 minutes ? Takes some folks that long just to access a website ...

See, this is the sort of crap I am just sick of. If we work together, today, tomorrow, and on ... you and I gather momentum. We organize, we build, we prosper - together.

We do it WITHOUT HyperCrap ! I cannot guarantee you will not lose money.
I know something about you, but not enough to know how foolish you can be when you really get going ... : )

I cannot guarantee you will MAKE money. I can ASSURE you that if you do nothing, you will continue to wait for someone else to do it for you. In fact, I CAN guarantee THAT ... and I do.

... and the guy sent the postcard listed his name as Paul E. Smith ? Maybe.
Lot of Smiths out there ...

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3. Tradition ?

growcash is not here to train you in "traditional" Internet marketing. You can find that in thousands of places.

growcash is here to help you reshape Internet marketing ... if that is what you wish to pursue. Reshape your own thinking.

... or just help you get started.

Make no mistake: Rather than carry on what is largely a "me-first" way of doing business, it is our intention that you open your mind to new possibilities. Instead of accepting what someone tells you as "gospel" we want you to ask:

Is this right ? Is this ethical ? Moral ? Do I really want to follow that advice ... ?

Who benefits from the advice ?

" Many of the old school "rip off" kings ( listed at places like ) have made their mark so many times,
that they cannot hide anymore and have either gone to jail or just by attrition
eliminated themselves from the industry. The time you have on the internet
is short lived if you are not a legitimate promoter! You might have 3 months,
maybe 4 or 5, then you and your reputation are done!
So what has happened is a new breed of network marketers and business
owners has appeared who really want to do the right thing ! " - BigMoneyPro

... and many of the "new breed" still exercise "Backward Marketing" - that is what they know. Be very careful out there.

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4. No Secret Formula

You want to spend some $$ learning how to market on the Internet. Good for you. Not here - we do not sell e-books ...

Maybe you do, or maybe you offer an affiliate opportunity to get others to sell e-books for you. Good for you. I sure do not want to be misunderstood in this matter, because there is nothing at all wrong with selling e-books - especially if you have access to good ones. There are some out there. Problem is, many are not good. Selling e-books is primarily a way to make an income, if you can do it, and it can be done. If you write a good one of your own, you have it made.
If there is "pulp-fiction" in the real world, perhaps there is "cyber-pulp" on the Internet ... and it is that latter which will turn your hard earned $$ into cyber-flotsam, so be careful out there.

" ... what I refer to as a "standard business model" - sell product and / or service in exchange to $$
( not dollars - could be any currency since we work in a global economy )
While that model is sometimes abused ( what is not abused ? ), there is nothing wrong with it:
Simple, what most people understand ... and I am not opposed. " - JB

There are no secrets. The only secret is: There is no secret.

What works for me might work for you ... if I can explain it to you and if you get it. May very well be it will not work for you, and you will have a journey, maybe a long one, to find what works for you. It is in the process of that potentially long journey that you might find, as so many others have, that you can spend much more of your hard-earned $$ to discover your own "secret" path to profit(s) ... if you are so fortunate. Not everyone is. Not everyone profits ... not on the Internet.

Rather than leave you in negative cash flow while you find your way, growcash provides a way for you to earn while you learn ... while you probe for "secrets" to gain your success. growcash does not define your path; instead we fund your path. We look to you to shape your own business, or dream or desire, as you will ... something we know you can do on your own, but accelerated by having an income to take with you.

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Temporary Website:
Want to create your own unique page ? Sign up as an affiliate:
... and you can also offer the affiliate opp to help grow your contact list.
Make a new friend today !
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5. Real Website

Have not checked availability on my short list of domain names, because ... every time I have done that to date - having wracked my creative brain to come up with something unique ...
The name has been taken before I get it registered. Not this time !

With Franklyn's able help we will have the site to you before the end of July.
He has two weeks of summer Guard duty between now and then.

That is the plan and I am sticking to it !

We will do away with the current "qualifying" process in growcash ... does not seem terribly popular anyhow, since not everyone has completed the simple steps ...

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I believe the Internet can do a lot to help my local and state economy, if I help others start.
I may not be able to do much for your state's economy through the Internet, but I can help enable you personally.
The rest is up to you.
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6. Define Business

Only 5 new contacts since last update ... but I was away a couple days. Gave me new perspectives on what others consider "Internet business" or just business ...

One way for you to make new friends is to post in forums. If your membership in a program allows you access to a forum, use that oportunity to make yourself known. You will find out who is knowledgeable and approachable, and you can ask that person a question about the business you are both part of. Does not mean you have to marry that person : ) ... just have a conversation.
Dance with them a bit. Surprising how many doors can be opened sometimes communicating with someone new ...

One thing I do is click on Profile button first for the person I am approaching. Usually in Profile there will be a link to "Find all posts by ..." and you can get a better feeling whether you really want to open communication. If all the posts seem flaky or sniping - move on.

There are real world businesses which do not want to see you or me succeed in what we are doing - same as someone making threat to IT Principal ... and we find the perpetrator is a pawn broker who wants to keep others in his town "down" so they will "require" his services. Likely there is someone right here in my town who is licensed with the city - "legitimate" in every way - and we will be in conflict because our motives are different. He will go to church and call himself Christian, take your money when your bills are overdue - yet he does not violate law. Ethics ? Morals ?

We are working at cross purposes. Just because the Orkin Man studied entomology does not mean he is a friend of insects or has their best interest in mind.

You should not be compelled to spend your money when there is no benefit to you - nor your time. The flip side of that is: Neither should the other person.

We do not sell. If you approach someone online who is in the travel business, you would do well to find out something about travel ... and in process you may find out how the person's business is progressing ? The travel business owner is not likely interested in your MILM or other scheme, but needs to make a profit like anyone else. What you have to offer is "interim funding" ...

Make a new friend. Maybe you will get a discount on airfare. If he or she is doing fine, someone known to that person is not. You can help.

We aim to simplify this business - put less emphasis on the MLM part and go to the heart of providing financial assistance to others ... but right now, we are building. You should know how you will be receiving your earnings - from M|LM (7DP) and matrix (STI) ... and something a bit more "risky" to start (IT) - when IT sails again. No risk to you though, nor to the person you invite.
What will earn for you is provided by someone else ( me or your sponsor ) from earnings, and you are wise not to count your earnings as your personal, prize possesion until they are in your hand.

We make no requirement on what you will do with your earnings. What you consider "Your Business" is defined by you alone.

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7. Repetitiousness ... ?

Oh, I would rather have a mouthfull of chocolate ice cream than such a word stuck in there ! As a writer I can bore myself silly saying something over and again ...
... yet a challenge for me in these updates is to repeat something often enough, and in enough different ways, so that new members catch a glimpse, and those of you who have been here a while might finally understand ...

I wonder. Is the "qualifying" process of growcash somehow insulting to some of you ? Some of you got so far ... maybe 300, 400 Points, and then quit, gave up ... forgot ? Lost the URL ? Log in details ?
Some never started ... just registered, and then ... what happened ?

We have some strong and bright members, ready to go. Some kind of hanging on the fence ... and a few others I can only wonder about ? You have your priorities. If you are not interested in earning income, you could do me the favor of deleting your profile ... or send me a note and I will do it for you.

Regardless of the fate of IT, when we next add members to 7 Dollar Plan, only those who are qualified will be considered. Are you ready ?

As always: Any question, any time - just ask me. Be well

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Farewell to an Internet Pioneer

" 'Til We Meet Again ... "

Our prayers to Cory's family.

Friday, June 03, 2005


In this issue:

1. Word Of Mouth ...
2. 7 Dollar Plan
3. Where Is The $$ ... ?
4. Navigating a Minefield ...
5. Dependency ...
6. Who Shall I Count as Friend ... ?
7. Got Milk ?

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1. Word Of Mouth ...

Someone new reading these updates by now may be thinking this is all about IT [ International Traders ]. Not.

There is plenty to share regarding the current state of IT. I have spent more time than perhaps I should have this last week reading in PB, which has made this small room very noisy within. The majority of those posting in PB right now seem to a couple of minorities - the larger membership is unrepresented, silent ... wailing and bashing from the former has been extreme. More on that later ... since right now I need a break from all the negativity.

These updates are about helping you ... about you helping someone in your own home, on your block, or in your community, so they do not stress on inability to progress - at least not as much.

That is, easing financial burden we all find ourselves in at some point in life. How ? By providing them alternate or extra income. Does not mean leaving a day job to inherit a fortune - not at all. It means extending your thinking and helping someone else do the same - seeing there are possibilities beyond "9 to 5" ... or more likely, more often, 8 to 5 ... or swing or graveyard shift ... ?

Success of growcash is in part determined by your ability to tell someone else about what we are doing ... or set up an account for someone. Our membership is growing, and that is gratifying. The more members we have, the more members we will have, because soon as you understand what we are doing, you will invite someone else to share. Join and communicate regularly, and that is all you really have to do ...

Responsibly inviting someone you know is the way to help us grow. No SPAM. Changes in Proboards have made growcash forum a framebreaker so it will no longer work in most autohitters and some traffic exchanges - for which a solution is in the works. Rather than promote other programs right now, I have posted to most everything where I have a slot to display, so more and more, everything leads back to growcash

Now you also have the blog to point people to, where they can read past updates which will help them decide if they would like to work with us:

Keep spreading the word please.

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Error in last issue: In Section 4 I said:
" The minimum plan allows you to have "any amount up to $1000" but "LIMITED TO
$1000 INVESTMENT IN ANY 30 DAY PERIOD" earning "300% in 30 days" "

The word "earning" should have been "returning" - earning is 200% in 30 days.
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2. 7 Dollar Plan

When I go to work, whether here of for an employer or as a volunteer ... there is always something needs done as I can see, for which I am almost always busy doing something. Your approach may be different - some folks are more focused on the social aspect of work. Everyone brings a different style to the mix - what keeps life interesting ...

When you are in profit from IT ... or from another source, and when you have your own frontline established, you will be set to benefactor them ...

... but for some of you there is nothing to keep you waiting. Your choice. Your opportunity. Nothing to hold you back if you are someone who sees "there is always something needs done" ...

While most similar businesses require an ongoing monthly subscription or a dropship order, with 7DP you only pay $7 monthly until you have 3 in the matrix below you ...

... but even better - if you preposition people to join your 7DP matrix, you call the shots - arrange it so that $7 a month is paid only ONE TIME. Can it be more affordable ?

Like purchasing a downline member for $7 - one that will not leave.

I will show you how if you ask me. The reason I am keeping it "personal" is that some of our members will not actively grow their own downline, and I do not want to take up their reading time with what is of interest to you only.
Of course, they are free to change their mind at any time too ... : )

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3. Where Is The $$ ... ?

Trades that IT enters into are long term: 6, 12, 18 months, or longer ... yet IT was willing, and able, to pay short-term returns to members at one to three months. The intention was to get a number of people in position to enter long-term trades. The opportunity, for some, was too good. There is too much intense financial pressure out there - hard for everyone to imagine it is so.

Anyone can make negative statements about IT, or any other company or group online - not that you would ... but you could, and get away with it - unless your words get you banned somewhere : )

I cannot. What I say to you personally can cause you to withdraw from growcash. What I say to you collectively has an effect on our group as a whole. What I publish online CAN cause outside parties, such as IT Principals for instance, to have me removed from IT ... or cause interested parties to avoid joining our group ...
Please see my 6.02 blog post:

Responsibility for my actions, for my words ( not to elevate myself in any way ) - what I do here, what I say, has effect which goes beyond my "feelings" ... and I do not forget.

Like bats out of a cave, opinions fly in all directions regarding IT. Though I try carefully to avoid, I admit to having expressed here a few opinions for which I have no basis in fact - my best guess only ...

Speaking to " Where is the $$ due to be paid IT members ? " ... is at best guesswork. I have read in PB sufficienltly to have made up my own mind thus:

- IT overwhelmed payment processors (IntGold, e-Gold, etc.) in April
- At the same time, IT membership was ballooning ... because you and I were introducing new people to join at an exponential rate ...
- Most of us were focused on short-term profits, whether or not we planned to redeposit to longer term later ...
- As result, maturities coming due rapidly exceed funds available for payout by early May
- Money had been set aside for short-term payouts - not enough
- Communication to membership is inadequate - maybe I should be "Communications Director" ... ?
- IT Principals have created success ... too much so - can they handle it ? Fast learning required
- Immediate restructuring at all levels was needed and implemented - are we seeing first results ... ?
- One day at a time until results begin to show clearly

From my reading, what I understand is that a decision was made to "roll over" maturities - that is, at a time when maturities could not be sent to members, both because there was too much due too soon, and what was in hand to pay maturities could not be transferred because of third-party processor overload (aggravated by change in gold price), the thinking was to reinvest maturities due so that when they mature again, the long-term profits will be there to support a physical transfer - to us. Hope that is not too complex for anyone ...
: ) ... else I will have to try again.

In essence, IT gave some early members a short-term loan to help those individuals afford to profit from long-term investment.

Sink or swim depends on whether Principals have done their math correctly. When maturity payouts resume, there will likely be more adjustments needed. What is happening right now is a test.

Log in to PB first, then enter this URL:

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The more experience one has, the better the result of their actions.
Someone who is afraid to act for lack of experience ... accomplishes nothing.
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4. Navigating a Minefield ...

Were I to be hit by a truck, there would be no more growcash. Not everyone who has a child outlives the child. What we attempt in this life does not always work out - there are no guarantees. Being in possession of big feet as I am, picking my way through minefields is no ordinary challenge ...

We get up in the morning and do what we have to do, do the best we can, make plans, work to see those plans to fruition ... and if our plans do not work out, we revise them, or form new instead.

Giving up is not an option.

One day at a time. Part of the daily process is taking responsibility for one's own actions ... and please excuse me, but I see that as being in short supply these days. Perhaps it just seems that way because I do not hear enough about folks who are responsible - they do not get noticed as readily as "foolish mistakes" made by others ... the sort of stuff that sellls newspapers - why I try to avoid newspapers, and television ...

My reading in PB has turned up so many frustrated people - put all or too much $$ to IT deposits ... and often to help someone else. More deposits to IT motivated by need than greed ... yet, there is an element of greed throughout. For example, what does the success or failure of IT have to do with whether someone is homeless ? Seriously.

Instead of " I made a bad decision ... " I read time and again, " IT's fault ... " Huh ?

Most of us put on clothing and pay attention to details like ... are the buttons in the right holes ? Shirt or blouse tucked in ? Some like to line up seams - have pressed clothes instead of wrinkled. Is your collar crooked ? Wonder why someone has a mirror in home ?

So I ask you: Do you have your prirorities on straight ?

Survival requires providing food and shelter for oneself - for family - comes first ... then for anyone else as can be afforded.

The notion that one is going to find a site on the Internet, send in some $$, then turn off everything else ... wait for coins to fall into the tray ...

Survival is a personal decision. Will you allow someone else to control the course of your own life ?

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Spybot Search&Destroy Version 1.4 is available at:
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5. Dependency ...

Real men and women sign up to growcash because they want something better, want not to be taken advantage of ... and a little help to get what they want - working together with like minds.

Real people with real life situations ... with realistic expectations. People who know that planting a seed does not mean having a tree shading the house within the week.

None of us are islands. Moving about freely, the independent person sooner or later requires permission of passage from someone, somewhere ...

... but not to sign away one's life and fruits of labour. growcash is about taking control of your own future, whatever your present circumstances, so that you can lend a hand to someone else.

You have your "frozen assets" [ see issue 05.22.2005 ], you go to work to pay for today, and you contribute effort to our group as much as you can afford which will provide you future income.

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" You are the most powerful tool for business success. Make contact. "
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6. Who Shall I Count as Friend ... ?

There are few things in this world more fun, more educational ... than human nature. Offer someone a hundred thousand dollars and most likely that person will be your friend ... usually ...

Offer the same person a million dollars and that person will be your friend - with a bigger smile !

Tell the person you offered a million to that the plan has changed - you will be able to give them instead only $100,000 ... sorry.

Within minutes - seconds even - you will know for sure whether you have a friend. If not ... watch your back !

Is it not funny ? Even the smaller amount is something the person receiving would not have attained without aid ... or a lot of hard personal work - without some expertise not yet acquired.

Either way, something of significant value would be received, but in some individuals there is subsequently a perception of having been robbed ...

" ... but you promised ! " A childish tantrum presents itself.

Good to know who is friend - good to know sooner ...

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Want to find a blogger near you ?
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7. Got Milk ?

When you signed up to IT I asked you to read as much as you could, soon as you had time, in Parent Body. Originally that was meant to educate you about purpose and direction of IT ... and lately it has become an education in ... ? Human condition ? Social responsibility ? Economics ? ... enlightening to some degree, if you have the time, which some of you do not.

... but if you do have the time, how are you using it ? My contact list has increased by almost two dozen since last issue ... while I spread the word:
" You are not a cow to be milked ... "

I look forward to transferring $$ to your account by this time next week. Be well ...

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Part of a post to a forum I inhabit ...
... something I feel strongly about - can you tell ?

May I suggest there be a requirement that in order to post a message within [this forum] that the author must somewhere provide his or her name ?

I have in the past, and do, and will continue to fight for anyone's right to express their feelings, thoughts, opinions ...
Responsibly of course. No bomb throwing or yelling fire in crowded rooms ... but what I do not agree with is the business of allowing people to essentially post "anonymously" ...

That is, if a member registers only a username, in my view it may be said that person is not actually hiding, but clearly neither is that person willing to reveal identity, which always leaves me wondering: "Why?"

I am in the business of building relationships online, so anytime I see someone unwilling to allow access to simple details like NAME ...
I read, "Leave me alone." Hard to build relationships with people who want to be left alone ...
... which makes me wonder why such a person would register in a forum ... but what do I know Smile

If a person adds some contact details, they have credibility:
"A real person who lives on this planet ..."

I do not post here often, but when I do, I take care in what I say to thousands of members who may read what I say, and because I plan to get up tomorrow and walk among you, what I say must stand up to your tests of honesty and good sense; consequently, I have no problem ever signing my name to what I contribute here.

It is anyone's privilege to register with username only, but if that is the case, then when it comes time to cast a vote, speak, etc. ...
There is no way to properly register a vote cast by "anonymous" ...

Therefore, unless there is an actual real name attached, I am not sure we can put the same weight on comments by "anonymous" ...
... as we might from, say, James M Booth or Josephine Smith