Friday, July 25, 2008

a spammer on the loose ...

A Spammer on the Loose
July 24, 2008 by E. Garcia

" According to , notorious Spam King Eddie Davidson and who earned millions through his company, Power Promoters, has escaped from a federal prision [sic] camp and is now on the loose. See

Davidson made a fortune by providing marketing services for companies by sending huge amounts of email spam. The news reads that “the spamming was designed to promote the visibility and sale of products offered by various companies. Davidson utilized the services and assistance of other individuals who he hired as “sub-contractors” to provide spamming at his direction on behalf of his client companies, the DOJ said”

I wonder who these companies and “sub-contractors” really are and when they are going to be held accountable. I also wonder if similar crooks are still behind the scene doing the usual activities (email spam, click through fraud, spamdexing, misrepresentation of products and services, etc).

Not insinuating anyone in particular, but whether you are a traditional marketer, a “bloggeter” (blogger + marketer), or a search engine optimization marketer, think about the consequences of becoming a spam marketer. All of your web trails are under constant watch by the IRS, DOJ, and few others…

Prospective clients: resist the temptation of doing business with such kind of people. You can also be held accountable for being an accessory. "
